Hebrew Idioms in the Bible

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Dr. Brown gives some examples of Hebrew idioms in the Bible, not all of which are properly translated into English.
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With a modernized version, it is a lot harder to show the idioms (often a less literal version).


Dr Brown, I love your work and live here locally to Fire in concord. I think that we have a ton of overlap In our ministries and that we need to connect with one another ASAP. I work for congressman Mark Siljander and Bridges to common ground. While meeting with Sid Roth, he was adamant that we connect with you about our work. I have connected with some of your staff and look forward to discussing topics like this and more.


That's exactly why I appreciate dynamic-equivalent Bible translations!


In the book of Job, a verse says "pillars of the Earth." Is this literal sir or a figure of speech. Thank you in advance!


Very insightful. Thank you for your videos.


I actually kind of like the sound of those idioms though. Master of dreams sounds pretty cool.


Did you know the word sin in Hebrew means to miss the mark


What is a person before the view of whole world, but a speck of dust. Now what is a person before the Holy God who created the world? You are nothing, yet God found you worthy to die for. Without believing Jesus is God means you know not God. Sin brings death. the wages of sin are death the Word says. The only thing to fix our separation from God through sin is the blood of a sacrifice, and that sacrifice has to be perfect or the payment isn't permanent. since we are all born in sin, no one meets that standard. Clearly since the only one to meet God's standard is God, God goes Himself as Jesus.  God became a man, Jesus Christ, and lived the sinless life we couldn't. He willingly took all the wrath of God that was met to be poured on us for all the evil that we are, and He bore it. He took the full force of God's punishment, becoming our sin and dying with it. Because a perfect sacrifice was the only way to pay a debt for a people as sinful as we are. Someone had to die, so he did it Himself. Cause He wanted us back for Himself. He became payment for a people who could not redeem themselves. Then He rose again, defeating death and the grave. That meant the redemption was guaranteed, For all who believe.  We serve a living God who paid our debt. All you have to do to be declared innocent is Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That His death was enough to pay the penalty for your sins and live a lifestyle of repentance. Which means to change one's mind. To turn away from sin, God makes you a new man in Christ, He is the one who regenerates your person to make you a New Creature. With a new heart and new mind who hates to do sin, and to displease God. When we do sin, which we all do, we will repent and ask God for His mercy and Grace to help us to never do it again.God is real, and whether you believe in Him or not, you will stand before Him. It comes down to you believe on Jesus or you die and go to hell. There's no way around it and no way to sugarcoat it for you. It's one or the other. You see, Jesus had to be God or nobody is saved.


Brother Michael,
I praise God for you brother, for your witness not only to the Jews but the nations, and I will pray that God continues to use you to open the eyes of the blind and ears of those who cannot hear.

I just want to share with you a few Scriptures that you would already be aware of, but that I have only understood recently.

In Isaiah 60:18, it says, (and I quote from the KJV),
"Violence shall no more be heard in thy land,
Wasting nor destruction within thy borders;
But thou shalt call thy walls Salvation, and thy gates Praise".
The Hebrew in this verse for Salvation, as you know, is Yeshua. Yeshua will be their wall of protection and deliverance.
Zechariah 2:5 says, "For I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her", (speaking of Jerusalem).
So YHWH will be a wall of fire, and that wall shall be called Yeshua.

Then I stumbled upon one other verse that spoke to me about the present situation, taken from Hosea 3, verses 4-5:
"For the children of Israel shall abide many days without a king, and without a prince, and without a sacrifice, and without an image, and without an ephod, and without teraphim: Afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the Lord their God, and David their king; and shall fear the Lord and his goodness in the latter days".
How true and accurate has this prophecy been? Oh, that they would receive their king!

God bless, and lots of brotherly love


Did you know the word hell came from a Hebrew word sheol, which means the grave.!!
