Unity's UI Toolkit & UI Builder: What is It, and How Do You Make It Work ? - Space's Aces Devlog #03

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Today, as fall is in full swing, I take a deep dive into Unity's new UI Toolkit & UI Builder that comes packaged with Unity 2021.2 and learn how to create professional UI with ease in a short amount of time. Significantly improved over the old GUI system, this new system uses web technologies similar to HTML, XML, and CSS. In Unity, these are referred to as UXML, and USS. This Space's Aces Devlog is designed to be a quick exploration and example of how to use UI Toolkit, and should hopefully act almost like a tutorial. It contains useful snippets of code, detailed explanations of systems, and practical outcomes.
Ultimately, this video should help you learn how to make it work for you.
0:00 Relaxing Moment
0:20 Introduction to UI
2:42 Learning Goals & What is UI Toolkit?
4:41 UI Builder & Style Sheets
7:57 Control UI Toolkit with MonoBehaviour
11:57 Code with VisualElement
17:03 PseudoClasses
19:35 Transitions & Animation Classes
22:23 Final Thoughts
23:23 Outro
Ultimately, this video should help you learn how to make it work for you.
0:00 Relaxing Moment
0:20 Introduction to UI
2:42 Learning Goals & What is UI Toolkit?
4:41 UI Builder & Style Sheets
7:57 Control UI Toolkit with MonoBehaviour
11:57 Code with VisualElement
17:03 PseudoClasses
19:35 Transitions & Animation Classes
22:23 Final Thoughts
23:23 Outro