INVISIBLE GIRL’S FACE REVEALED! Aoyama’s Sad Backstory! - My Hero Academia Chapter 337

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Aoyama was probably felt guilty and disgusted with himself. He did try to give up at the license exam so he most likely thought he was not allowed to become a hero.


I think another reason Midoriya wants to help Aoyama is because he's sees a bit of himself in Aoyama. Bakugo said it best: Aoyama was a Quirkless kid who was granted a Quirk just like Midoriya. If their lives were switched, if the roles were reversed, if Midoriya had met All For One rather than All Might, who's to say Midoirya wouldn't be in the same situation Aoyama's in? Forced to betray the people he cares about to keep his family safe even as the guilt eats away at his conscience.


Aoyama being the traitor didnt even made me angry at him, just sad. He didnt deserve all that pain tbh :, )


Oh, my goodness. I just realized. When Aoyama was training in the camp, notice how he’s shooting his bellybutton laser to the sky. It could be a way to signal the villains where exactly in the forest they were. Cause remember in the Hero License Exam, he used his bellybutton laser to get everyone’s attention.


U gotta love how class 1-A was willing to confront their own traitorous showing how far each character has come together as not only hero’s but as a family


I was expecting to be mad at the traitor but when it was Aoyoma, and why he did it, I feel bad. The way I see his reasons for those actions are the same way I look at Ochako's reasons for being a hero. Family. She's becoming a hero so she can allow her family to live comfortably since she grew up poor. She's willing to put herself through hell just so her parents can have a good life when they get older. Aoyoma betrayed everyone because he wanted his parents to live. He didn't want to have his parents murdered in cold blood because they tried to make him happy.

It's a crappy situation that makes nobody happy. I am just hoping that he makes this out okay.


Dabi: We're safe if they havent found the traitor yet.
Aoyoma: I have some good news and bad news but mostly bad news.


Man i also feel bad for Ayoyama's parents, they just wanted good for their child and not him becoming ostracized because of not having a quirk....the scene where little Ayoyama asks his parents "why is he different than the others while crying" shows why they did what they did....they just wanted their child to be happy, i hope nothing bad happens to them


I wonder how both Hagakure’s parents found each other, that's a love story I'd read. Or they might be related, in which case, nevermind


People will clown Deku for saying that one crime should not make you a villain for the rest of your life, but I love that he has taken such a controversial stance. If he is going to be the greatest hero, he needs to develop strong convictions about his world and stand by them in the face of inevitable opposition.

Remember what Shigaraki told the heroes during the war? "I know you can't understand. That's what makes us heroes and villains." What is a hero? What is a villain? Deku has seen with his own eyes Endeavor -- the number 1 hero -- push himself to atone for his past abuse. He has also seen good people like Gentle Criminal and Nagant be led down the wrong path by their own despair. He knows that the categories of "villains" and "heroes" at times blur into each other. The hero society has created this neat binary opposition between heroes and villains, where people who find themselves in the deepest pits of despair desperately latch on to the "villain" identity because nothing else will work for them. Deku seems to have decided that one way to reform the hero society is to redefine heroism and deconstruct villainy as concepts. Heroes have dehumanized villains for too long without trying to understand what led them down that path while themselves maintaining a false sense of moral purity. I mean, Nagant was allowed to kill petty criminals in the name of hero work.

Of course Deku will still put criminals in prison. Even Nagant and Gentle had to be arrested because, at the end of the day, they are responsible for their actions. The point is that Deku wants to understand what can bring relief to that despair which births villains in the first place. For instance, if Toga had not been treated as a hopeless monster after her first criminal act and instead seen as somebody who needed to be treated and rehabilitated for her profound mental condition caused by her quirk, she may not have felt the need to lean so far into her violent tendencies. In Aoyama's case, he was so full of self-loathing and helplessness after being found out that he attacked Deku and called himself a villain -- the worst thing he can think of calling himself. Deku knows that this is his one chance to stop him from becoming another Nagant or Gentle Criminal. To be a villain is to be hopeless because your first crime becomes your destiny. If Deku can help Aoyama see that he still has a future despite his crime, he can save him from that cruel destiny.

Makes you wonder: what if Deku had been the one to confront Twice? Could he have found a way to reach him?


Bakugo: "a quirkless kid being given a quirk. Sounds like someone I know..."
Deku: (Kacchan... Shut the fuck up...)


I more so think that Deku’s “villain label” is more commenting on the fact it’s very black and white in their society. A desperate thief trying to survive is equaled to someone like Dabi which is a bit unfair. There’s also the thought he meant the idea of being manipulated shouldn’t be completely pushed onto the victim’s identity, the Hero Commission isn’t far from something like this themselves. A third option is like the video, he’s just trying to get Aoyama onto their side as a tactic of some kind. No matter what it’s a lot easier to say “no one should be labeled a villain for committing a crime” rather than getting into the nuances of all of it in a panel.


People really be giving Hagakure a lot of flak. I mean, yeah, even if the circumstances of her getting into U.A are questionable, she's been doing really well for herself, passing the her final exam in season 2, passing the Hero licensing exam and when she was stuck with Todoroki during the USJ attack Todoroki didn't even know she was there. Plus she was able to come up with different uses for her quirk like stunning people and redirecting light.

She's just working with what she's got as a background character with invisibility.


Oh man poor Aoyama. When you think about it, he always seem to be alone at the start and by himself most of the time such as eating lunch alone while everyone else went with their friends.

Now it all make sense. He must have felt guilty and try to distance himself from them but meeting Deku probably confliciting his feelings on this whole things. Just hoping he wont die but afo wont let him be. :(


Aoyama is exactly what deku could’ve been if he never met all might


The saying of "Don't make a deal with the Devil" sums up for the family. Even it's for his happiness they weren't truly evil just bound to a contract. If a rule is broken then the devil takes back. Even from death


Bakugo now knows that Deku’s offering his hand is not a sign of saying that the other is weak, I hope


Just by hearing how Yuga was just like Deku, I can sympathise with and I can see that he doesn't want to hurt his family and friends.

Edit: Oh my god Toru looks so pretty with her face.


Hagakure's face just looks cute, although I wonder if the creator can somehow show off her face more often.
Edit: Just reading the manga made me realize that the creator unintentionally made Midoriya's personality sorta similar to Peter Parker AKA Spider Man as in, he knows people who have done wrong in their life can make a 180 in certain circumstances.


I don't think Aoyama should get punished for his crime but rather sent to a psychological rehabilitation center. He was used since childhood and a Kid cannot tell wrong from right from the get go. By the time Aoyama became a teenager it was already too late cause he was a traitor for most of his life but things have been forced upon him by AFO and his family. In my opinion, the most realistic treatment in regards to Aoyama becoming a hero would be :
1 :Therapy center > He is able to face his actions and not get traumatised for life about this
2 : See 1A's view of things and maybe change Aoyama of school or class once he comes back of the therapy center
3 : Remove his quirk and make him be a hero on his own as a redemption by only using support items (It would make a nice redemption spin off unrelated to the end of the serie)
