Subtraction-fest 07 ~ Never Subtract Numbers Larger Than Ten!

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This (seventh) subtraction method is related to some of the previous ones, but is quite unique. In this case you can subtract large numbers without ever having to subtract from a number larger than ten!

It was shown to me by a young student who was struggling with his mathematics ... yet he managed to work out this method for subtraction because he did not understand what his teacher had been trying to teach him. Never underestimate the ingenuity of even some of the "poorer" students!

I have explained WHY this method works in the second (long) video of this series. In this short video I simply demonstrate the method for you.



Some of you have expressed quite some interest in different subtraction methods/algorithms. This resulted from my posting two lengthy videos in which I explained WHY different algorithms worked.

It became apparent, however, that I needed to create a series of much shorter videos in order to DEMONSTRATE these methods (and more) without the lengthy explanations in those first two videos.
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Quite unusual method. A method I have never seen previously, except for your previous, longer video on the subject. It requires quite a level of inventiveness that it is hard to believe a young boy devised it for himself.Thank you for showing us some quirky methods of subtraction, as well !
