The Essence of Non-Duality Hidden Within an Old Zen Saying

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In this video we discover the essence of non-duality when I go through an old Zen saying that holds the wisdom in its core.

New book is now available worldwide from my website or via Google Play Books.
EBOOK or AUDIOBOOK: A Different Kind of Knowing

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Besides talking and writing about Non-Duality I am also an artist. Painting with mostly acrylics, but sometimes also with mixed media, on canvas and paper.

#awakening #enlightenment #nonduality #meditation #truth #advaita #mindfullness #spirituality #vedanta #happiness #peace #happiness #contemplation
Рекомендации по теме

It is a relief to hear your message, a relief of the burden of humain madones. ❤


All your videos are as clear as possible ; This message is indeed essential, but not easy to share.


This video made me subscribe. I like your accent, too.


Bruce Lee’s reinterpretation is more impactful… “Before I learned the art, a punch was just a punch, and a kick, just a kick. After I learned the art, a punch was no longer a punch, a kick, no longer a kick. Now that I understand the art, a punch is just a punch and a kick is just a kick.” 🙏😊


Not everyone is willing to take the message. Defenses go up. Victim mindset/ego wins. But World is always in balance. Yin Yang, all is well.


The zen saying that HCLundholm tries to explain corresponds to the process described by Sri Ramakrishna: from A (mountains and rivers are mountains and rivers) to B (mountains are not mountains, rivers are not rivers) is the neti neti journey made by jnanis, and from B to C (mountains and rivers are mountains and rivers "again") is the journey made by what Sri Ramakrishna called "vijnanis", those who understand that both transcendental and immanent dimensions of God, Brahman or whatever you call it, are equally real.


I share with my partner….in small doses only…timing is important 😬


Hans you’re such a magical person! (Or maybe you are not a person 🤔)…


the finger pointing at the moon... is not the moon 😊


I dont understand how its possible to break free from a conceptual world view. You seem very wise and awakened, but non-dual videos seem to have no effect whatsoever on my ego delusion. It makes no sense to share this message when the message has not led to any significant realization or breakthrough or shift of any kind. Also, it makes no sense to share this message with anyone but spiritual seekers who are open to this kind of thing. Most people are already indoctrinated with a set of concepts that they are committed to, and they arent interested in listening to anything that contradicts thier set beliefs. Also, I have no freinds and I dont speak to my family at all, so I have no one to share the video with. I doubt that any significant worldwide spiritual shift is happening. The world is about to end anyway within a decade or two because of runaway global overheating, impending agriculture collapse and mass starvation. Humans should not have put 2.5 trillion tons of greenhouse gas into the atmosphere which we cant remove and which we add 40 billion tons to each year.
