What Is The Anti-Life Equation?

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Today on Variant: "One Shot", we explain what the Anti Life Equation is!

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Tim (Producer)

#AntiLife #Marvel
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Darksied is the only masculine villain that can make a short skirt, panties, and knee high boots menacing.

That and HIM from the Powerpuff Girls


Anti-life equation: "Subjugate the souls of all beings in the universe."
Life equation: "Control all sentient life in the universe."
I don't quite see how they are different, much less polar oppostes.


Thanos: Has to find all infinity stones and snap half of all the universe away.
Darkseid:Quick Maths, ends the all living things


The anti life equation is an equation that proves that all hope, love and basically all things good have no meaning and are completely pointless, destroying the person’s free will as a result.

Really sad that when Tim Drake heard the equation he said that “there wasn’t much of it he disagreed with”.


“So it’s just math that makes you sad” - Boomstick 2018


I'm more confused than before I started the video


I still have no idea what the anti life equation is


If the answer to Life is 42. Then the Anti-Life Equation would be -42?


the anti-life equation is easier to understand then my math homework


This video is gonna get so many hits after Zack Snyder's Justice League 👆🏻


1:26 This analysis turned out to be way nerdier and longer than I was anticipating, here's my ultimate conclusion copy/pasted from the end:

In plain English, the equation seems to suggest:
*"Tragedy is minimized by belittlement, and is maximized by damnation."*
Feel free to read :)

If we break this down mathematically, we have the following 3 major terms:
The sum of: (Lonliness + Alienation + Fear + Despair + Self-Worth)
all divided by: (Mockery, then again by Condemnation, then again by Misunderstanding)
and all multiplied by: (Guilt x Shame x Failure x Judgement)

all of this equals The Anti-Life Equation resulting in all of its affects.

Some questions to ponder, we'll go in order:

1) First up are the added parts. What is the sum in the beginning all equal to? Just the sum part I put in parenthesis. The sum of all of those things combines into one apparently significant term. Also, why is Self-Worth _added_ and not _subtracted_ out?...Seems like a positive thing you'd want to take away if you were aiming for anything "anti-life." I suppose if you had no self-worth (if it was subtracted), then any harm done unto you would in essence be...harmless? When I read all of these terms together, it sounds like the recipe for a tragedy. I'll call it the "Tragic Term."

2) What is the divided factor? And why are all those things divided together? Mockery, Condemnation, and Misunderstanding all make the first "tragic" term...smaller after dividing. When I read these terms out, I think of someone being belittled to nothing. Let's call the group of divided terms the "Belittlement Term."

3) And what's the multiplied factor? 4 terms here multiplied together: Guilt, Shame, Failure, and Judgement. These terms multiplied with the summed "tragic" term make it...bigger. And when I read them together, it all sounds...damning. The "Damnation Term" then.

So now we have a simplified version of our equation using our new term names:

*Anti-Life Equation = (The Tragic Term) / (The Belittlement Term) x (The Damnation Term)*

In plain English, the equation seems to suggest:
*"Tragedy is minimized by belittlement, and is maximized by damnation."*

That is...astonishingly true...I need a hug. Credit to DC's writing, my goodness. Darkseid is a freakin monster.

👇 Like to give me a hug.


*"Loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side"*

Just so everyone knows. Nice video too. Don't think too many people really touched on the Anti-Life Equation before.


Thanos : I m the baddest villan.
Darksied : dodge my omega beam!


This probably showed up in everyone's recommendation after the snyder cut


Still dosen't help explain what happened to Lex Luthor and Darkseid at the end of Justice League Unlimited.


Says it's Marvel month, does a video about Darkseid. Well played Arris, well played.


loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=dark side


so the life equation and anti-life equation are pretty much the same thing, total mind control, right?
only big difference between them is HOW they control your mind. that's what i've gathered from the video at least.


The reason why Darkseid is so obsessed over the Anti-Life Equation is because it would quite literally give him absolute dominion over the universe. Darkseid considers himself to be a living god of destruction and conquest (and to be fair, he does live up to that boast), but as long as people have hope, they will never stop fighting against him. Even if he were to crush all outward opposition with his brute power and ability to spread fear, he would never be able to control their mind or free will, leading to rebellions that could potentially overthrow him. So, if he were to ever gain the Anti-Life Equation, he would erase even the concept of free will and hope in the universe and thus end the slightest chance of rebelling against his authority.


*Loneliness + alienation + fear + despair + self-worth ÷ mockery ÷ condemnation ÷ misunderstanding x guilt x shame x failure x judgment n=y where y=hope and n=folly, love=lies, life=death, self=-nothing-, nothing is guarranteed but oblivion, the only earthy death, Life itself is only a vision, a dream, nothing exists say an empty space and are but a thought, nigh a memory, to be forgotten and never to be told again for there is nothing to you say that to someone their life is over
