Here are 3 ways NOT to kill your cat! #cats #catvideos #safety

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Also, some cats love to chew on rubbery things, such as extension cords. Monitor your fluffy morons.


I have cordless blinds and the vast majority of my cleaning stuff is nontoxic. I’m more concerned about my plants.


Thank you so much for your information! You help me so much because I never had a cat before and I went to my friend’s house and I got a cat two years ago. I named him Smokey. He is a good cat. Question: Do you recommend that when Owners go away that they should put their Cats in the Vet Hotel. I did once but I worried about him all day long. 🙁


When we moved into our new house, we replaced all of the blinds in the windows with cordless ones for that reason.


Also, don’t bring lilies into your house!


I can attest to the blinds. My cat was caught in the strings and nearly choked himself to death. He was hysterically running around in circles and I couldn’t catch him, seemingly tightening the string even more.Somehow by the grace of God, he was untangled and survived. It was traumatizing to my dear kitty. I kiss him every day and now I’m more careful.


I don’t need to be told twice to go and kiss my cat. I threw my phone down and gave her many kisses!


I can relate to the draw strings to the blinds. One time, I came home from work and saw my kitty dangling in the air with her neck wrapped in the draw strings. Fortunately, I came home just in time to save her from the inevitable. She was a very lucky kitty.


One tip! My cat passed because of a vaccination-induced cancer; vaccinations for your cat are NEEDED, so do not neglect getting them, but also be sure to immedietly consult your vet if you notice a lump at the vaccination site! It is a 1/1000 occurrence, but i did not know that this could happen until it was unfortunately too late, so just please be aware of this! Also ask your vet to give the vaccinations on the leg, and in different spots! It will increase the chances of a tumor developing if multiple vaccinations are given in the same spot, and also it is much less risky for the vet to do surgery to remove a tumor if it is on the leg. Oli got his vaccination tumor on his hip, right next to a major artery, but I have also heard of cats getting vaccinations on their scruffs which is impossible to treat a tumor there so please be aware of all of this! My vet did not inform me of this possible side affect, so now I tell everyone I know who owns a kitty to keep their darlings healthy ❤
Miss you, Oliver 😢 🕊 🌈 😇

Edit: Thank you so much for all of the likes! Thank you for reading my comment and being aware of this for your kitty ❤ also if anyone has any questions about this, i did quite a bit of research on it after i lost Oliver to prevent it any way i could in Violet and i would be happy to try to answer your questions!


My cat knows how to undo most baby locks. She struggles the most with the two finger pushpin ones.trys to wrap her paw around it.(Paw pad on the bottom and index toe bean on top.) She'll unlock one right in front of me. Then give me the shocked face 🙀 when I call her out.


Childhood locks for sure. When my cat was younger like around 6 months old, he opened the treat drawer, knocked down the box, and ate a lot of the treats while i was in the shower. Thank God he didnt vomit but his poop smelled bad for a few days. Took him to the vet and he was fine, but how he opened the treat drawer is beyond me lol 😅


Here in the UK new blinds have to have cords which "break" if pulled too hard. Super frustrating when trying to open & close quickly, but at least my cat will never get hung up by them!!


Blinds drawstring is a real concern. I had a curious kitten that got into them. Now, I have pull down blinds and no more drawstrings.


Sam likes the cabinet under the sink. We finally took out anything dangerous and let him have it


So glad I heard about the blinds pulls 10 years ago. Back then no nice ones like now. He didn't get it caught, but my neighbors dud, but she was in the room. After I heard that, I started putting them up and separating them so no loops. Just like babies we have to protect them. Thanks for always interesting and informative help and reminders.


Also, bicycle chains 😮. Must put up bicycles!


My cat died of a leg injury so remember to keep your cats safe


Cords is very very good tip. I am a young adult. I got my first kitten when I was even younger. I have had to learn a few things by trial with my pets and that was one. My kitty almost choked himself on a breakaway collar 😭. Luckily I was there and noticed him struggling and made the call to rip the collar off him. I didn’t put a collar on him as often after that

I’m grateful for that tip regarding choking hazards in general.


Also, do not let them play with human treadmills. My sister in law’s cat was almost killed by sticking her paw underneath the belt as it was moving. Luckily her friend was there to catch her cat before anything bad happened.


Now if only we could figure out how to keep them out of the Christmas tree. 😅
