What is Chastity? A Cross Everyone Bears ~ Part I ~ Fr. Samuel Waters

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Part I: WHAT IS CHASTITY? ~ Video series by Fr. Samuel Waters
Chasity is the virtue that every Catholic has to live their entire life no matter what state they are in. There is one Cross that all are called to carry from the time we are born till the day we die and that cross is chastity.

“Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8).

St. John Bosco says “Holy Purity, the queen of virtues, the angelic virtue, is a jewel so precious that those who possess it become like the angels of God in heaven, even though clothed in mortal flesh.”

Some understand that the virtues of Chasity and Purity are the same thing and they are related but we can think of Purity as the Truck of the tree and from that branches out other virtues that are regulated and related to Purity, such as Chasity, Temperance, Modesty etc.

St. Thomas in his Summa quotes St. Augustine who says: "We must give praise to purity, that he who has ears to hear, may put to none but a lawful use the organs intended for procreation." Now the use of these organs is the proper matter of chastity. Therefore purity belongs properly to chastity.

St. Thomas further states that Chastity is a virtue to reign in the passions, because “chastity takes its name from the fact that reason "chastises" concupiscence, which, like a child, needs curbing, as the Philosopher states (Ethic. iii, 12). Now the essence of human virtue consists in being something moderated by reason, as shown above. Therefore it is evident that chastity is a virtue. Chastity does indeed reside in the soul as its subject, though its matter is in the body. For it belongs to chastity that a man make moderate use of bodily members in accordance with the judgment of his reason and the choice of his will.”


Ø WE ARE called to Be Chaste in thought, word & deed.

Ø CHASTITY IS THE RIGHT ordering of the Sexual appetite.

Ø SEXUAL ACT IS FOR ONE Purpose - for the creation of children.

Ø Teaching our children SEX EDUCATION is to teach them the Virtue of Chastity

A) _ teaching them to Be Pure of thought

- how Combat sinful thoughts, - prayer/ mortification.

- Not fill our minds with garbage, no porn, bad movies, books or music

B) TEACHING them to BE Pure in Speech NO DIRTY Jokes [telling or listening] no foul taking about sex


- to Be Prudent around opposite sex

-No to BE ALONE w/ opposite Sex

-No touching, KISSING


(What is in part 2 you ask? Sneak peek below)

1. You must have a Battle Plan to protect your soul. Practice virtue avoid sin.

2. We live in this fight sin. A Catholic is Required to Fight every time he is tempted.

3. Fight against the world, the flesh, and the devil

Remember Jesus said, we must guard our thoughts:

“But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”

We must purify our actions: “Be ye therefore Perfect as your Heavenly Father is Perfect.”

Realize, when our Chastity is under attack:

1- from ourselves through impure thoughts

2- from the world through things we observe & see

3- from others who are tempting to misuse us as things for their pleasure

4- from temptations the devil may send us to act on

Thus, we should train our sensitivities to be offended by impurity to put us on alert for any attacks.

To be continued in Part II......

#traditionalcatholic #purity #purityandlove #chaste #chastity #catholic #faith #latinmass

Music Credit: Daily Prayer Regina Caeli - Chant of the Mystics - Marian Practise - Prayer for Purity - Godseekers
Рекомендации по теме

This is a necessary topic of discussion in this times and thanks to Fr Samuel for doing a great job in explaining these virtues. Thank you and God bless you


Father Samuel has explained concretely what St Augustine said about going away from the sin of the flesh by simply removing yourself from the occasion or running away from it. Now I understand better. Thank you very much Fr Samuel. It helps me a lot.


Deo gratias et Mariae for such a nice Spiritual talk on chastity.


Well done. Looking forward to part two. When I was studying to be a 3rd order lay Dominican, we enrolled in Angelic Warfare Confraternity, AWC. Deo Gratias!


Does mean I need to stop thinking arousing thoughts about my wife?


But Catholic children, in this present age, have to now be instructed on what would be unchaste between them and same sex persons as well as between them and opposite sex persons. If not, there are cases known of persons developing confusion and being repulsed by the opposite sex, which is also a corruption of God’s design.
