Adam Driver 'I've been very clear with my son about that [order]. HE'S SECOND IN EVERYTHING.'
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Chill Monologue, Adam Driver on Saturday Night Live, 45x11, 2020.
Adam Driver 'I've been very clear with my son about that [order]. HE'S SECOND IN EVER...
adam driver's character is very polite
Adam Driver 'I'm very ignorant to what is happening. Not just in this business but also in...
Adam Driver 'I'm very very excited about the Superbowl commercial, despite the tone of my ...
Adam Driver 'I hate sitting in these things cause I feel like a pampered actor.'
Adam Driver 'I've skied a couple times, and it was a nightmare.'
Adam Driver 'My real-life wife, she's very supportive but she is not here.'
Adam Driver 'WTF are you doing? This thing you've been doing that's either sexual or ...
How to deal with ups and downs? At Frenchies
Adam Driver 'The physicality of Kylo, I'm very protective over'
Adam Driver 'Why do you need more help than a baby?'
Adam Driver 'I wrote things down 'cause I'm bad at making things up.'
Saturday Night Live (2018) | Adam Driver 'I think I have to ask you to not do this...'
Adam Driver 'She wrote a play, which I'm very excited to announce the title ...'
The Best Of Adam Driver
Adam Driver 'It's my last fry?' | Saturday Night Live (2016)
Adam Driver as Paul Sevier 'I really have been looking forward to meeting you.'
Adam Driver as Sackler 'Could you take the baby for a second? I've had to pee for the past...
Adam Driver 'In Indiana, we don't kiss sheep. Mostly cows.'
Adam Driver 'I always think the best actors were kids and dogs.'
Adam Driver 'Hey there. I’m Finn Raynald, not Reynal, Beads.' | Saturday Night Live, 2016....
Adam Driver 'Does being a father change your inputs into films?' 'It changes everythi...
“Can I get a hug?' Adam Driver as Charlie Barber, Marriage Story, 2019
'Let the past die', Adam Driver as Kylo Ren / Ben Solo, Star Wars: The Last Jedi, 2017