Why Intuitive Eating 'Doesn't Work' | By Registered Dietitian Nutritionist

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Disclaimer: Anything said in this video is for entertainment purposes and are my opinions.

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I stopped binge eating because of intuitive eating. When I allow myself to eat whatever I want whenever I want, I don't have the same intense cravings. In fact, I think I eat less than before sometimes because I'm not restricting anymore


I clicked on this video to comment that Intuitive eating DOES work and then I found that you are not against it. New subscriber!


After a lifetime of binge eating, intuitive eating is the ONLY thing that has worked for me. It has changed my life. Finally, I have food freedom.


I’m trying it… I see a lot of value in it, but I have a problem with a couple premises from the book. Premise 1) There’s no place for discipline or restriction in healthy eating. Premise 2) health at every size. As I try to practice intuitive eating, I’m discovering things I already knew, like that eating at night makes me really uncomfortable, but NOT eating at night requires discipline. As for the second, as a nurse and someone who tries to stay well-informed about health, I have some idea about the mountains of evidence that increased weight stresses the body in so many weighs and increases the risk of so many illnesses. The IE book religiously avoids any acknowledgement of those risks or the possibility of overeating being a problem or a reason for obesity. It really bothers me.


This is actually my introduction to intuitive eating. I tend to dismiss any diet I hear about without really looking into it. This is really interesting and I appreciate the link to a study I can read.


Hi Kat,
I just wanted to say that your videos are so, so, so good for my mental health and your channel is actually the only food/nutrition related content I watch on YT, as I find most other channels somewhat triggering (I used to struggle with anorexia for years during puberty/early adulthood). The way you talk about food as being "neutral" (instead of good or bad) and how you emphasize the aspects of enjoyment and satisfaction in the context of eating really makes me feel happier, more relaxed, and content with my current style of eating (which is not perfect, but so much better than it used to be). I just wanted you to know that what you're doing is important and I wish more people would talk about nutrition/food/dieting in this (nuanced and more positive) way.

About this specific video and the "intuitive eating" method:
I didn't know that this was a book, actually. Always thought it was more of a general buzzword that people used to mean whatever they wanted it to mean.
Do you have any thoughts on the (new?) fourth edition of the I E book? I imagine there must be quite a number of new studies/theories on nutrition/eating from subsequent years that had not been published when the first edition was written.
And: Is the workbook a stand-alone book or would you recommend it only to be read as an "add-on" to the main book?

If you find the time to answer, thank you so much in advance! Best of luck for your channel in the future; you deserve so many more subscribers!


This book was so helpful to helping me understand my orthorexia and putting 'cleanses' and IF, etc into the 'healthy' category- masking dieting with 'health'. Love Kristin Neffs work was well.


Problem with intuitive eating is it ignores physiology in the process. Foods aren’t just calories and numbers. They also have hormonal and physiological impact in your system. Eating a big slice of cake isn’t the same as eating a big piece of steak. One will leave you feeling hungry and wanting more. While the other will satiate you and make you feel energized and not wanting to eat anymore for a long time. I intuitively want to eat a big slice of pizza or a big slice of cake because millions of years of evolution has made sugars and carbs rewarding due to their scarcity in nature. Thus they produce huge dopamine levels in the brain when we do find them and eat them. But that garbage is so abundant now that we’re “intuitively” eating ourselves into metabolic disorders and even eventual death.


I have purchased the books but haven’t read them yet. I think you did a great job explaining the framework and addressing some I had. Thanks!


I really enjoyed this video! I wasn't aware of the initiative eating framework. I was looking at the book and it almost seems like a textbook. Is it a pretty heavy ready? Would it be suitable for a novice/casual reader? Also, your updated filming background looks really nice btw 👍


As a writer, the title was not misleading. The quotation marks, man. (:


Excellent information and analogy 👌🏼 I’m buying the workbook 😁


Question for you, Kat. If I am opening up myself to eating processed foods that hijack my body's satiation cues then how can I actually be practicing intuitive eating. Wouldn't their be some basic off-limits foods (certain processed ones) to allow our connection to intuition stay open in the first place? Thanks!


Thank you for doing this work. I am so glad to have found your channel. ❤️


It worked for me. 💯 %. It’s not “an approach”; it is natural. If it didn’t work, they didn’t read, follow and understand correctly.


I just looked up the book while watching your video. Here in Germany the title "Intuitive Eating" is translated as "Intuitiv Abnehmen" which literally means intuitively losing weight, which, if I go by this video, is not what it is supposed to be about. Looks like people in Germany will be really confused about the method. I wonder if the authors are aware of this translation.


Intuitive eating for 4 years didn't heal my prediabetes...it got worse than ever and I was listening to my body the whole time, eating mostly home cooked meals etc. I love chocolate and ate a lot of it, because that was what I was craving. Those cravings didn't go away over time, because I am insulin resistant and don't use sugar very well...hence the cravings for more sugar. I also ate balanced meals which was what I wanted. Nothing positive happened. Insulin resistance is chronic and progressive....and if I didn't wake up and realize this I probably I would be diabetic in a few years...all whilst eating intuitively. This might work for somebody otherwise healthy, but for prediabetes/diabetes it won't work. I now follow a low carb high fat diet to control my insulin, which is very high but slowly coming down. Within low carb I eat intuitively but it must be low carb.


This is pretty valuable and sound advice and information regarding this dietary/nutrition principle. Thank you for all this thorough info!


Interesting thanks. I've read the book, and some of the ideas are appealing, especially with the challenges of maintaining food rules and control.

The problem with feel your fullness thing is I can't consistently control regular eating the super tasty foods and stop when I'm "full" (feeling of which can vary a lot anyway due to all kinds of things like the speed of eating or meal content) eat too much and get fatter and health gets worse.

This is what happened when I tried IE before anyway, shame would ne very nice to be free from food control, but not worth it if feel worse overall.


Great video Kat!! Such a good explanation!
