THE PLAN GOD GIVES--5 Key Biblical Principles For Letting God Lead Your Family

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First, notice that the practice is imperative. YOU SHALL TEACH THEM. Second, notice that the process is simple. TALK. Not preach, scold, cajole, pound it into them, dump on, make it be so natural a part of your daily life you just talk about it! Let it be natural and unforced, let it flow into every part of life. The key is if you can see God in every part of life, so will they. If God stays at church or when you prepare a lecture, they will compartmentalize Him right out of their social life, private life, sports life, dressing life, recreation life, and every other part of their lives. As one great old saint said, ‘There’s no difference between the sacred in the secular’. That’s what Moses says. Let God flow into all of life. How? Moses gives us


LET GOD OUT WHEN YOU SIT IN YOUR HOUSE. (v. 7a) And that suggests we are at home and so are they. Just open your life at mealtimes. Share how you have seen His hand in your life, His face in your devotions, His voice in your heart as you worship. Tell them how your Heavenly Father is so patient with your weaknesses, so loving with your failures, so gentle with your correction. Then live that out for them.

LET GOD OUT WHEN YOU WALK IN THE WAY (v. 7b) Do you walk with them? Take a talk walk and listen until you hear them through their words, and then talk to that person you see in the words. Turn off the radio in the car and let them talk. Seize those moments.

LET GOD OUT WHEN YOU LIE DOWN (v. 7c) One of the most crucial times of ministry for us as dads is at bedtime. Do you treasure those closing moments of the day? So many little thoughts, little fears, little hurts, can all be worked on. A wise dad takes life and parenting one day at a time! We train them, lead and guide them, and let God move their hearts by prayer.

LET GOD OUT WHEN YOU RISE UP ( v. 7d)! Every morning we have the opportunity to start the course of not only our day but our family. Do we take this precious opportunity? Do we re-orient them toward the loving presence of Jesus by our kindness, gentleness, or goodness? Or is it lateness, shortness, and gruffness that they see? Rise up oh men of God...

LET GOD OUT WHEN THEY ARE AWAY FROM HOME (v.8)! Make it Portable! Deuteronomy 6:8 Tie them as symbols on your hands [this speaks of what we do for a living] and bind them on your foreheads [this stands for our minds, thoughts, and values. God must be a part of all we do and think]. (NIV) Deuteronomy 6:9 Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates. (NIV) Chuck Swindoll says, “Here again the meaning of Moses’ words goes beyond the literal. the doorposts and gates signify all our domestic and community activities. Every action of our lives, those lived inside the home as well as out, is to have His Word etched on it.”


WFF-01 & DWM-06c - How To Lead A Family Altar (990915WE)

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*See you soon at the Father's table.*

I. *The way - John 14:6* Jesus saith unto him,  I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Amen. ✝️

II. ✝️ *The only Gospel for Salvation*
*1 Corinthians 15:1-4*
*Romans 10:8-10*
*Acts 16:30-31*
*John 3:16-18*

III. ✝️ *John 6:28-29 KJV*
28¶Then said they unto him, What shall we do, that we might work the works of God?
29¶Jesus answered and said unto them,  This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.
