What If Tarkin Assassinated Emperor Palpatine

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Grand Moff Tarkin was one of the most influential members of the Empire, what if Tarkin Assassinated Emperor Palpatine? What would compel Tarkin to kill his friend of several decades? Would his rationale be justified? How would Tarkin kill Palpatine? What would the response be from the Empire and the Rebellion?

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I like how these Star Wars what-ifs make Sidious a Kenny. Always dies in each one.


What if Tarkin liked the Jedi and offered to spy on Palpatine?


Tarkin in his mind after killing Palpatine: "You may aquire when ready!"


Day 2: What if Anakin was used as the Clone template without his knowledge?


Honestly, I can see this what if being made real as Tarkin was that ambitious of a character


Sidious’ own brutal system bit him right in the wrinkly nads. *Ironic*


This one’s great. Almost like what if the empire didn’t have force users


What if anakin refused to attack the jedi but had a inhibitor chip in his head


What if for the future:

What if jar jar was force sensitive?

What if Thrawn was force sensitive?

And last but not least…

What if the Death Star was never operational?(I.E. they fire it once, then the Kaber Crystal cracked and never works again)


What if the Rebels won the battle of Hoth?


What if the kaminoans activated the inhibitor chips to take over the galaxy for themselves?


Thanks for listening to My suggestion! I hope You enjoyed writing it!
How about this next One:
"What If the Republic suffered a Military Coup during the Clone Wars?" or
"What If Emerie Carr stayed loyal to Project: Necromancer?"


I was expecting him to turn the Empire into Oceania and start arresting thought criminals


Your Tarkin stories are always the most intriguing and intricate


I think this also ignores why the tarkan doctrine also failed. Fear only gets you so far. And fear innately brings rebellion. When people know they have nothing to lose that is when they will fight to the better end. And the system is not going to get stronger after he dies it's only going to get weaker. Especially with how the imperial military is. It would only be a matter of time until the military would start destroying itself leaving an opening for rebellion.

Honestly good video though. I like your videos that are longer and go more in depth like this.


The galactic coliseum with Vader as a gladiator sounds underatedly bad ass.


This was amazing. I’ve been a fan of your videos for a while and it’s always fun to see your interesting SW what if’s. It was also fun to see Tarkin assassinating Emperor Palpatine getting shown some love. This is definitely an interesting scenario and it should definitely get shown some more love. Plus I think we can all agree that this is probably one of the most interesting/unique scenarios in SW…but it’s a welcome one. Also if Tarkin did assassinate Palpatine…then it would definitely be an interesting opportunity to show another side of his character and make him even more interesting. It was also nice to see Tarkin have a larger impact on the galaxy getting shown some love, since he usually never gets the spotlight that much and it was a nice change of pace to see him take the initiative and definitely made us all impressed. Plus it was nice to see the Tarkin not be an idiot…afterall it was nice to see him have a solid plan, afterall this was probably the smartest course of action he could take, so it was nice to see him come up with this plan to shift the power balance of the galaxy, since he knows that there’s still opportunity in the galaxy. Also it’s always nice to see just how cunning Tarkin truly is. Great job as always and I can’t wait to see what you do next.

I do have a few ideas for some possible what if’s:

1) What if Rey was a Mandalorian…essentially what if Din Djarin found Rey and took her in as a Foundling.

2) What if Ezra was a Mandalorian…something like how both his parents were Mandalorians who left Mandalore and went to start their own lives (you could still keep most of Ezra’s backstory) and potentially make Ezra and Sabine a couple (since Disney won’t, we have too…#ezrabine4ever.

3) What if Jango Fett and/or Boba Fett Joined the Republic…I think something interesting could happen with this.

4) What if Rey, Finn and Poe went back in time to the Clone Wars…this would make the World Between Worlds even more of an important focal point and I could also see them get along well with Anakin, Ashoka, Rex and the rest of the 501st (it would be fun to see Rey, Finn and Poe join the 501st)

I hope these are some amazing ideas for some potential What if’s


What if Mace Windu & Shaak Ti were Ahsokas parents?

Mace distrust of Anakin were based off his constantly placing Ahsoka in danger with his Antics

Shaak Ti being placed on Kamino was to keep a low profile & not raise suspicion by being too "close" with her fellow Torguta.


What if Mace Windus lightning deflection scrambled Palpatines brain and gave him split personality disorder


Day 54 of asking for a what if the separatist super tank survived the second battle of geonoisis
