This is Goodbye...

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It's time to say that This is Goodbye... Playing Adopt Me and Roblox has been so wonderful, but it's time for a change. I'll still be posting to this channel of course, but look out for new content that I'm excited to play more of in the new year.

My new song "i know that you do (lucky)" is HEREEEE!



▶Use code: JACI when buying in the ITEM SHOP
🍀 Let's be EPIC friends! Tag: jacibutler

Jaci Butler - Jaci Butler - Color Me You (Official Music Video)


hi hi!
thanks for watching! i post new videos on this channel everyday!

🍀if you like what you see here, and wanna check out stuff i do when i'm not gaming....

Jaci Butler is a singer, songwriter, creator, and all-around goof ball and nerd! When she's not on her main channel vlogging, singing, or doing challenges with friends, you can find her HERE on her second channel playing fun games including ADOPT ME ROBLOX, FORTNITE CREATIVE, MINECRAFT and MORE!

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Don't feel bad feeling what you feel. Life is way too short, do what truly makes you happy. As we grow and change, so do our interest. Nothing wrong with that. Yes your Adopt Me content was how we were introduced to your channel, but do what is best for you. Don't be sad for the rest of your life doing something you don't enjoy. Can't wait to see what is in store for you! Best wishes


Girl we will support you no matter what you do if you want to quit than quit don’t let your fans or anyone hold you back


Jaci, I know how you feel. I first found out about this channel almost 3 years ago. I've always found you adopt me videos fun, and entertaining. Even after I quit Adopt Me about a year ago, I still watched your videos. I know how you feel, and if you aren't passionate about it anymore, then don't do it anymore. Do what you want. I know how you feel, and I know how Adopt me isn't important to you anymore, and that will always be okay. When you first released Color Me You, I loved it. I can see with your music is a priority for you. You need to keep doing what you want. Don't ever do what other people want you to do, unless you truly feel like you want to do it. You should always follow your dreams, and don't let anyone wake you up from them.


I respect your thoughts, opinions and everything that you do. You can continue or stop if you want but I’ll always support you Jaci!❤


Jaci, one time I felt like not playing any Roblox games or even Roblox at all. But people like you and Jeffo helped me build confidence that I should and now Adopt Me is one of my fav games! So thank you. If you wanna quit Roblox you have my support though! Yes, I'll miss you Adopt Me videos but it's you whose more important than those 💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚💙💚


Jaci we will always support you, don't feel bad on how you feel, if you were to take a long brake or just full on quit we don't blame you. We love you, your videos have gotten me through so much that have literally ruined my life. I have been a fan for I don't know like almost 3 years. Anyways we love you so much we support you in every way, you do you baba grill, we love ❤❤❤❤


Hey Jaci, I used to watch you when I was younger, thanks for being apart of my childhood, you really helped me go through tough times. Two years ago I was watching your content, and that’s when my mom was struck with cancer. Then Covid hit, and I was super depressed and lonely, and it made it even worse because I knew my father wasn’t much of a help too. (My parents are divorced so I was forced to stay with my dad.) whenever you posted I was always super happy, so thank you, for being apart of my childhood again. It makes me so sad to see my favorite childhood YouTubers eventually move on from YouTube, but I fully respect their decision as much as I respect yours. Love ur content always, and stay safe <3 ly forever!


I respect your decision and what you want you do. Your growing and you want to do what makes you happy. As long as your happy i'm happy <3


I remember when you first came out with the Fruit Loops for us all and to the end of this year you're still and only and where I will always be your fruit loops and I would never ever move on from you because bro you were like my YouTube childhood


Jaci, please read my comment. First, we will always support you and I have watched you since 2021 and I always loved ur videos, but if you don't feel comfortble anymore, you don't need to keep doing something you don't like. We really appreaciate that you have our trust to say that, and what matters is that you are happy with what you are producing. And I totally understand that you have grown up, so do what you like, and what fits on your perconalitie. By the way, I am brazilian so if some words are wrong, ignore cause I don't know all of them. Hope you see my comment cause I really like you, and I spend a lot of time writting this! A huge hug from you fan from the start until the end,
Mariana <3


Its fine jaci, we get it, but don't let us hold u back from your passions and what you want to do💚


Hey jaci! This is your channel, and you do whatever u want with it! We will all support u no matter. We love you forever and always and we are very grateful for u 💚💚


If she feels like it’s time for her to quit adopt me then let her you can’t just hold her back


It doesn't matter that you change the game I subscribed not because of the game ... I subscribed because of you! You make every video funny and interesting to watch and if you want to change the game I don't think someone is going to be sad or something else 😊 Oh and I also like horror games so I be waiting for this!!! 😁


Oh my gosh we’re gonna miss you so much I respect your thoughts and opinion and always will I love watching all your videos they make me feel better when I’m not feeling great we will miss you and will never forget you!!!


personally existed for this change, i can’t wait to see more interesting games


Jaci, as long as you are doing what you love, we will be happy! This is your channel and you should be able to do what you want to do. If you aren’t passionate about something there is no reason to make yourself do something that you don’t truly feel happy with. I will be happy with whatever content you decide to post🫶🏻 And if some people don’t agree, thats okay. Cause at the end of the day, as long as you are happy with what your posting, that is what matters. I love you forever and can’t wait to see what the future holds for you and the channel! <3 -Hannah🫶🏻


Aww! We all will miss you so much but hopefully you come back one day,


You were one of my best childhood YouTube Channels, you were one of the reasons I joined adopt me. But I understand life is to short to sit at a desk all day. We all support you and your option! Do something you love ❤. Much love ❤


we all love u jaci, don’t worry we will stay for ur next chapter ♥️
