Kaestrings - Haske | Live (Official Video)

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Recorded live at the Feast of Light 2023
Written by @Kaestrings
Available on all streaming platforms

Music Director: @gbolusola

Drum: @sammie_orinya
Keyboard: @iamdavid_ejila
Aux Keyboard: @soundfinest
Bass: @aux_beatz
Lead Guitar: @ait_mhore


Haske Post-Production Credits
Record/Post Prod: @Mr_Greenwox
Bgvs: @sheisru8th

Strings: @emeka_e.o
Guitars: @segunfunmiplays
Mix/Master: @outlukmix

Video: @thedesignadefilms
French subtitle: @Ojomachristy
Light: @nuellightsandfilms

ENI Koinonia Family
City of Refuge International Church
Awesome Treasures Foundation

LYRICS (translation)
Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
(Jésus tu es ma lumière)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)
(Le chemin que tu prends est celui que je suivrai)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You) (Je te suivrai)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You) (Je te suivrai)
Kai ne haske na (you are my Light) (Tu es ma lumière) Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You) (Je te suivrai)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You) (Je te suivrai)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You) (Je te suivrai)
Kai ne gaskiya
(you are TRUTH) (Tu es la vérité)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You) X2 (Je te suivrai)
You just lead me on (Conduis-moi juste) I will follow you
(Je te suivrai)
Step by step (Pas à pas)

Step by step
(Pas à pas)
You just lead me on (Conduite-moi juste) I will ride with you
(Je monterai avec toi) Everyday
(Tous les jours)
All my days
(Tous mes jours)
Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
(Jésus tu es ma lumière)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)
(Le chemin que tu prends est celui que je suivrai)
Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
(Jésus tu es ma lumière)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)
(Le chemin que tu prends est celui que je suivrai)
Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
( Jésus tu es ma lumière)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)
Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)
(Le chemin que tu prends est celui que je suivrai)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You) (Je te suivrai)
Ni zan bi ka’

(I will follow You) (Je te suivrai)
Kai ne haske na (you are my Light) ( Tu es ma lumière) Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You) (Je te suivrai)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You) (Je te suivrai)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You) (Je te suivrai) Kai ne gaskiya (you are TRUTH) (Tu es la vérité) Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You) (Je te suivrai)
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much to our new subscribers, welcome onboard, we prayed for you and we believe that your life will never remain the same again after watching these videos.
God bless you 🤍


Thank you so much for watching, please share the link with others lets have a time in His presence together.


Everytime someone likes this comment I'll come watch this video


Despite the persecution, the northern Nigeria Christians are coming out strong


I was about to die from an overdose in my apartment in Miami all alone after so many different drugs…I went to grab my phone and I couldn’t even see what I pressed and out of no where YouTube started and this song played. My heart was beating out of my chest and then the room turned white and I felt at peace. My heart slowed down and I survived. Jesus Christ is real people. He saved my life.


You know it’s the holy spirit when the language barrier does not hinder you from connecting.


Who is here after the August Miracle Service with Apostle Joshua Selman like me ?


My friend baby died in her womb and they have induced labour. Hearing this song is awakening somethings in my spirit. Tomorrow morning I will play this song in her womb maybe the dead child can just move. I want my friend Maureen to live. She is battling her life in the Hospital right now. I will come back here to give testimony in Jesus name. Amen


I'm a preacher but today I have seen the hand of God delivering my 2yr old daughter from a very intense 2 operation at the same time . I prayed and waited for God to deliver my daughter from pain and agony but I'm here listening to this songs and thanking God for his faithfulness and keeping his promises 🙏. My daughter is out of surgery and stable. Hallelujah Jesus


We thank God for the grace of Visibility to you my brother...can't get over your songs from sound of revival uk....continue being a blessing to God's kingdom. We are behind you, and i love that you are friends with pastor Nat and our beloved Apostle, hang on there, God is taking you far🙏🙏🙏


This song has really blessed me during my turbulent times.

I've been without a job for 7 months. My wife put to bed during this period, to a baby girl, it was a really difficult period for me. Until I applied for a job in an oil and gas company, and I was called for an interview, immediately the interview, I was offered the job on the spot. The salary is the best I've ever gotten in any job I've done so far.

My Lesson: when you are at your lowest, seek the LORD diligently, when you are at the top, seek HIM diligently.

Thank you for using this song to bless me during these hard times. May the annointing of the LORD never depart from you, AMEN.


HASKE from 🇮🇳🇮🇳india in Jesus name ❤❤.


Who knew Hausa worship could be so sweet 🤍


This guy is something special...his music is unique


Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)

Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Kai ne haske na
(you are my Light)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)

Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Kai ne gaskiya
(you are TRUTH)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You) X2

You just lead me on
I will follow you
Step by step
Step by step
You just lead me on
I will ride with you
All my days

Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)

Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)

Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)

Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)

Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Kai ne haske na
(you are my Light)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)

Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Kai ne gaskiya
(you are TRUTH)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)

I will follow you Jesus
I will follow till the very end
Forever Jesus
Forever Jesus


This song is already blowing in Kenya 🇰🇪 Kaestrings is a force that cannot be stopped. We believe in your God.


Kenyans in the house 🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪 Gather here. This is a beautiful song.


Like father like son…Thank you Apostle Joshua Selman for raising Kingdom giants.


Haske Live (Official Audio) is now available on all streaming platforms. Follow this link.


Woke up with the song i am a 🇰🇪 never heard the song but my spirit woke up singing, the holy spirit put it in my spirit
