Kaestrings - Powerful Ministration at KOINONIA WORSHIP EXPERIENCE 2023 | Gyara ni ya Yesu na / Haske

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Kaestrings full ministration at the KOINONIA Worship Experience Tagged ‘EXALTED’. Which happened on the 23rd of September 2023



In the stillness of my soul
(Dans le calme de mon âme)
Is a loud cry to you
(Est un grand cri pour toi)
Before you i stand
(Je me tiens devant toi)
Helpless, vulnerable
(Impuissant, vulnérables)

Unworthy is my state
(Indigne est mon état)
But your love says to me
(Mais ton amour me dit)
Child be bold and come
(Enfant, sois audacieux et viens)
Father, here i am
(Père, je suis là)

Gyara ni Ya Yesu na (please fix me Lord)
(Réparez moi mon seigneur )
In zama kamar da kai (that i may become more like you)
(Que je puisse devenir comme toi)
Gyara ni Ya Yesu na (please fix me Lord)
(Réparez moi Mon seigneur)
Gyara ni ma ai’kin ka (fix me for your service)
(Répare moi pour ton service)

Gyara ni Ya Yesu na (please fix me Lord)
(Réparez moi mon seigneur)
In zama kamar da kai (that i may become more like you)
(Que je puisse devenir comme toi)
Gyara ni Ya Yesu na (please fix me Lord)
(Réparez moi, mon seigneur)
Gyara ni masoyi na (fix me my lover)
(Réparez moi, mon amant)

Lyrics (translation)
Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)

Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Kai ne haske na
(you are my Light)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)

Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Kai ne gaskiya
(you are TRUTH)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You) X2

You just lead me on
I will follow you
Step by step
Step by step
You just lead me on
I will ride with you
All my days

Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)

Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)

Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)

Ya Yesu kai ne haske na
(Jesus you are my Light)
Nda ka bi hanyan nan zan bi
(the path You take is where I’ll follow)

Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Kai ne haske na
(you are my Light)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)

Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)
Kai ne gaskiya
(you are TRUTH)
Ni zan bi ka’
(I will follow You)

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Thank you so much to our new subscribers, welcome onboard, we prayed for you and we believe that your life will never remain the same again after watching these videos.
God bless you 🤍


From UK 🇬🇧 really soaking myself in the presence of the Almighty


I remember last Saturday being in my room, when Kaestrings ministration was going on, I was on my knees weeping, I begun to speak to God more like reporting what was done to me in details oh how his healing hand was heavy on me.. tears rolling down my body. I was blessed soo much and I thank God I was live to experience the moving grace of the HolySpirit touch ❤ the Lord fixed my weak heart thanx Kaestrings for such a blessing thou art


With this worship i receive my son’s delivarance from autism😢🙏his mercies reign in my home🙌


I won't lie Apostle Joshua sang one of your songs at koinonia, and i felt it that someone is behind such touching, Soul healing and Blessings, when i saw one of your songs LET IT SHOW i remember crying out to the Almighty and praying i was never the same, he's hand was on top of my head he was there with me, My brother kaestrings All your songs have power to make a person repent, please tour in our countries our youths need your songs, God speaks through your singing, your voice that cry can moves God in a most special way 😭🙌🏻🙌🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻frm :🇿🇦Thank you for Releasing Such Amazing songs some of us Really, Really needed to hear this ministration😢


I don't understand a word, but I don't know how I started speaking in tongues 🇸🇱 May God bless you Sir


‭‭Galatians 5:22-23 NLT‬‬
[22] But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, [23] gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

🙌May the Holy Spirit birth this in us.


🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪🇰🇪we love you from Kenya! What a powerful ministration


Truly my camels are coming home.In Jesus Name.Lord fix my shattered dreams and my lost opportunities. Wipe my tears dear Lord.what a ministration this song is.🎉🎉


You will come to the US kaestrings. I am in Toledo Ohio, US. And as God will have it you will come. Toledo awaits Jesus.


I'm loving this kind of worship . I'm Zambian but I find myself worshiping along. Thank you sweet Holy Spirit


This man is a blessing to this generation


The my first experience with kaestring one day during his ministration I fell under the anointing and I was in school then my life changed that day, because I was calculating to commit suicide before I met him till today I never had that suicidal thoughts again


God bless you Kaestring… I remember the first time I stumbled on your video here on YouTube. I was brought to repentance with tears in my eyes. I felt the presence of God that day and every time I play any of your songs. You are truly anointed to do what you do. May the grace of God continually be with you.

I really need your mercy God. Oh Lord show me mercy in Jesus name😭


The lady who did the introduction has a powerful voice ❤️


I strongly believe that even if the lyrics were not translated I'd still understand because minister Kae is speaking the language of the heart and my heart understands it... God receive our praise


Je vous suis depuis le Congo 🇨🇩 priez pour le peuple congolais s'il vous plaît.


I just came across this song today being the day i was ending my fast and i just can't stop listening to it.Am from Kenya and even if i don't understand the language, i can tell it is a song made in heaven. More grace minister Kaestring🙏


My fav 😊
My mum and grandma listen to your songs every single morning 😊...❤❤❤❤❤all the way from Zambia 🇿🇲


Man of God, pray for my heart to open to God and higher dimension. I know when you do I will receive it
