Reliability test in SPSS #reliability #statwithnuwan #nuwansir #conbranchalpha #spss #shorts

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#data #reliabilitytest #statistics #livestatistics #srilanka #dataanalysis #statistics #businessstatistics #research
📢📢 If you need assistance with data analysis for your research project, whether it's at the Undergraduate, Master's, or PhD level, please don't hesitate to contact me through the details provided below:
WhatsApp: +94712642240
Call: +94712642240 / +94716174700
I am ready to offer support for various types of statistical analyses utilizing any statistical software (SPSS, Minitab, R, EViews, AMOS, SmartPLS, JASP), including:
• Descriptive Analysis
• Mean Comparisons (One-sample t-tests, Independent-samples t-tests, Paired-samples t-tests, ANOVA, etc.)
• Statistical Modeling (Regression / Time Series)
• Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS / SmartPLS / JASP
• Multivariate Data Analysis (Hoteling’s T2 test, MANOVA, Principal Component Analysis, Factor Analysis)
Feel free to reach out, and we can discuss the specific needs of your research.
📢📢 If you need assistance with data analysis for your research project, whether it's at the Undergraduate, Master's, or PhD level, please don't hesitate to contact me through the details provided below:
WhatsApp: +94712642240
Call: +94712642240 / +94716174700
I am ready to offer support for various types of statistical analyses utilizing any statistical software (SPSS, Minitab, R, EViews, AMOS, SmartPLS, JASP), including:
• Descriptive Analysis
• Mean Comparisons (One-sample t-tests, Independent-samples t-tests, Paired-samples t-tests, ANOVA, etc.)
• Statistical Modeling (Regression / Time Series)
• Structural Equation Modeling using AMOS / SmartPLS / JASP
• Multivariate Data Analysis (Hoteling’s T2 test, MANOVA, Principal Component Analysis, Factor Analysis)
Feel free to reach out, and we can discuss the specific needs of your research.