Faith Alone #53: Through The Righteousness of Faith (Romans 4:13)

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We are saved by grace through faith alone in Jesus Christ alone. The sole condition to receive eternal life is faith in Christ.

#salvation #bible #christianity
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It's impossible to please God without faith!!!


It’s crazy how clear the Bible is on salvation (receiving eternal life). Faith ALONE. Thank Jesus


So good bro! I'm going to share this with my cousin Whitney who came to Faith today in the crucified and risen Christ! This video is a perfect summary of our conversation last two days via text.


Amen!!! Through FAITH!! Pretty cut and dry by reading!!! Praise the LORD for HIM and for HIM making salvation so clear!!


It’s sadly rare to hear the true Gospel being preached these days…🙁


Thank God because I am in such a state of grieving my son's estrangement and being so sick and alone, I'm angry and sad and just think of all the things I should've done differently and the sins I commit with the anger and sadness and fear. I was a single mom and a nurse and I loved my children no abuse or neglect but he is an alcoholic and he's gone. It's grief like he died. God please give me the strength! My heart is so broken😭. Two years and I've cried every day! Please speak to his heart and bring him back. In Jesus name amen amen forgive me for everything. I anxiously await being with you!


Thank god for you🙌🏽💕 god is so gracious and it’s so simple to be so simple..I can’t remember exactly when I got saved but lately I’ve been going through so much physically but when it comes to my soul im at peace I kid you not maybe a few weeks ago..I was watching one of your videos or other preachers that preach “saved by grace through faith alone”..and I immediately got a peace of’s like every thought I had about me going to hell went away..I’ve never felt so peaceful when it comes to my soul in my life..and every time I think about it..I just think about how gracious god is..ever since I put my faith in what Jesus did and not me to save me peace and joy is all that I felt..I pray that I continue to grow..and that gods grace keeps overflowing like I know it more people can be saved and live with Jesus forever 💕!! I love you♥️! (Btw I’m starting my junior year in high school tomorrow..pray for me😂)


Excellent brother, Amen and Amen. Precisely clear.


I agree, I'm not big on, "faith alone" saying because faith has works .I think the bible calls it the works of faith.but i agree and understand what your saying in this video.Some groups use this saying then preach works salvation.its the" jangle "that get you in (to the cult /church)then they start twisting Scripture.


So simple, yet Doctors and Masters graduates of Theology still don’t get it! No much has changed since the Gospels were written!


Amen and amen! Faith in Christ Jesus plus nothing equals to righteousness before God. Glory to God, not us.
The issue I personally see nowadays is HOW people define faith. Brother, it seems to be a growing matter that people have lip service for faith but what they mean by faith is actually works. It comes in a bery subtle manner like this: "So you say you are a christian - yes. Does God want us to sin? - no. Bible says faith without works is dead, right? - yes. But you have a problem with that sin issue so it shows me you might not be a christian. Show me you have real faith by not living in sin". They always twists James 2 and others, mixing discipleship with salvation in Christ Jesus, as if christians cannot be living in sin, not that it is justified. So in my short experience I really wanna slow down and define all biblically. If you define faith as one that always must have works or you add even one work, then you do have false gospel also. Then eyes are off of Jesus and onto yourself. This is why it is excellent to have brother Onorato online with his channel, although he ain't perfect as no one is, but actually defining essentials of our faith biblically and not with some vain philosophy


Man you got hella ammunition! Lol u been blasting, rapid fire ! Love it bro. I’m still low key waiting on the 10 commandments video 😅 take ur time


Excellent, clear videos! I love that! God bless you!
