LinkedIn News Live: Cultivating an inclusive work environment

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What does it mean to create a work culture that is truly inclusive? James D. White taps into his years in top management at Fortune 500 companies and shares the lessons he’s learned about how to empower minority voices and help leaders achieve their diversity and inclusion goals.

Nina Melendez speaks with James D. White on transforming leadership in the workplace to actively bring inclusive and diverse initiatives to life.

For all its focus on diversity and equity initiatives, corporate America isn’t doing great on either front: Only 8% of C-Suite executives are Black, according to a recent analysis by The Washington Post. That discouraging stat is emblematic of broader workplace systems that often penalize people of color. Given this continued reality, former Jamba Juice CEO James D. White makes the case that diversity initiatives aren’t enough. To institute true change, he says, leaders need to actively work to build anti-racist companies.

Sources and further reading:

More from James D. White, Board Chair Member for The Honest Company, Author, and Speaker:

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