Why medication isn't always enough with ADHD #shorts

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Yeah, I found that going on meds made it so everyone else’s useless and annoying advice actually worked all of a sudden. It gives you the ability to build skills that were previously just mechanically impossible for you, but it won’t do the work for you.


I see it as the medication is like getting keys to a car and you have never driven, there are skills that need to be learned. Now you have the keys now you have access to travel you only dreamed about.


Sometimes I feel like ADHD is ruining my life and I just want to get treated


With medication I feel focused…. on the wrong things lol.


I have the inattentive version of ADHD, so I like, NEED meds in order to survive, but I totally get it how some ppl w ADHD don’t need meds. Drugs aren’t designed for everyone ☺️


Thank you Dr. Marks, sometimes I feel like such a failure for still struggling so much even with medication.


Hi, I have battled PTSD, depression, anxiety, alcoholism and drug addiction for many years after my service.
Your YouTube Page has helped me understand myself in so many different ways, I am amazed with the person I now am now.
I battled leukaemia for many months and during my recovery I watched many of your videos while I was being pumped with Arsenic treatment to help my body battle the disease.
I now have zero negative addictions and exercise really does help me to recover damaged cells and generate new ones.
I love your advice and knowledge thank you so much bless x


Dr. Tracy, can you do a video covering Matt Walsh acting like these issues don’t exist in real people?. It’s incredible.


Sertraline and continuing adult therapy has helped as much if not more than any adhd meds i had in school


For me being in therapy at the same time is a must. Medication helps a little, but there is always room for improvement even on meds.


Adderall has helped me SO much but tbh I think all it does is make me feel guilty about not being organized or not doing anything… An hour into taking it my brain automatically goes into “GET TO WORK” mode which is what is supposed to happen but it’s so anxiety inducing sometimes… I think of Adderall as an extra person in my head just saying “Get up!! What’s next??? Write that down!!! Do this and finish it and then this and finish it!!! Keep going DON’T SIT DOWN DON’T EAT THERE’S NO TIME TO PEE YOU HAVE TO WORK!! GO GO GO!!!” so for days when I have a lot to get done it’s great but then other days when I just wanna chill or go out with my friends it’s horrible because I can’t focus on anything other than my responsibilities… Anybody else feel this way and have you tried any other meds that are better for those chill days?


I wish medication worked for me. Did nothing positive for my symptoms but left me unable to eat. Working with my ADHD coach on other workarounds.


Sometimes, medication doesn’t work because IT IS NOT an ADHD problem. But an undiagnosed/untreated sleep disorder, anxiety disorder, personnality disorder, depression, somatic syndrome… that causes adhd symptoms….


Parents could help so much managing it. Encouragement and understanding, and all other supportive action will help. ADHD has trouble focusing at class and affect academic performance, parents could help kids do more homework in a slow pace and help them catch up. Many of them are actually very smart but cannot focus.


Dr. Tracey, is there any study that shows individuals with ADHD have a greater risk of developing Parkinson disease as they age and/or dementia?


Even though I've made remarkable improvements since starting medication, I still feel like I'm falling short of my peers. I feel as though it takes every bit of my effort just to meet my basic needs, and because of that I'll never achieve anything in my life. It fucking sucks. I'm better than I used to be but it's still not good enough.


Try Lion's Mane Mushroom supplements. Completely healthy.


Something I've tried and helped very well is isochronic music, try it out if you'd like


I can't recommend neurofeedback enough. I believe it gives real and long lasting results. I'll be starting a series of treatments in Sept.


Hi Dr Tracy, I am based here in the UK, I was recently diagnosed in August, after just 8 months, which is extremely quick, due to the waiting lists.
I do enjoy your videos, when I was a psychiatric nurse here in the NHS, back in the early 2000s, we never covered ADHD or Autism (which I also got diagnosed with in June).

I was recommended to have CBT, but I believe and trained in Person Centred Approach of Carl Rogers, I just find CBT too mechanical, too narrow and doesnt really see people as a whole.

I find the 12 steps of AA, to be an amazing for my ADHD, especially step 11, I am now thanks to Concerta, able to do meditation, I have been doing it consistently for 5 weeks.

I would also recommend fellow ADHD clients have a full blood count, with a health professional, as low iron levels are common and mongst our community, maybe causing fatigue & tiredness.
