How to be more attractive to guys and get approached more

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The video is about how to be more attractive to men and how to get more men to approach you. If you want to attract more people there are some things you must do. Getting approached can be hard if you give off the wrong energy. Learn how to project more peace and self belief to make people respond to you in more positive ways. Joy and peace are attractive. Learn how to project both of those along with confidence in this video.

This channel is related to; dating advice for women, how to tell if a guy likes you, how to make a guy like you, how to get over an ex, dating red flags, dating mistakes women make, what to do when guys ghost you, low effort guys and more. Subscribe if you like those kinds of topics.
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Do your own thing and ignore them that's how you get their attention


Guys need to be attractive too. I’m not spending 90% of my paycheck to snatch a man that the day I decide to go makeup free or wear my hair frizzy he’s gonna go to some Instagram bimbo and dump me. No thanks ladies just be you and natural and confident for your benefit ! A real man will appreciate your natural beauty and soul!


“oh look a dark alley, let’s go over there and mingle” HAHAHHAHA 💀💀💀


I always make friends with elderly people at the grocery store lol


Wow, I never thought about it that way. I’m only ever at peace in my own company and I chalked it up to being an introvert, an empath, whatever word to not hold myself accountable for letting others affect my energy. But I never realized the reason I get uncomfortable or clam up around people, even nice people, is because I don’t trust myself to take care of me. I’ve let myself down, I’ve betrayed myself, and the little girl in me stopped trusting me. But if I can be a fierce protector of other women, I owe it to myself to be own fiercest protector. I got me. I can be free 🥰🥰🥰


There's a reason why it's said that a person's best accessory is their smile. :)


I met this guy I wasn't really interested in, but was going to give him a chance. Im glad I looked up his record because he had a huge rap sheet and he had the nerve to get mad at me because I questioned him about it. Let's just say he blocked me and told me not to speak to him ever again. A 44 year old grown boy.


My RBF messes me up.. i legit have to think to my self " look pleasant" lol


Thanks Kev! This is so simple yet so hard for many women to do. Heartbreak, manipulation and disappointment has left many of us angry, bitter and hardened. Its not easy but we have to heal from our past hurt and trauma ladies..guys either sense it & run or predators use it to damage us even more 😩


And then there’s those extremely attractive girls who get approached just by walking into the room :/


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We know men have their issues and Kevin discusses this in a lot of previous videos. But women be accountable, some of us do be mean mugging especially toward other women. I see it in the workplace and in the public all the time. There is less muscles used to smile than frown and not even just attracting a man but in business you should have a general peace. Kevin and I are Christians and we understand the difference between happy go lucky fake happy and the joy that God provides an individual that passes all understanding. Lots of women and people in society are void of this kind of peace and walk around unhappy and miserable and it shows and gives off bad energy. Whether a woman has a man or not, she should still have a peace and confidence to her and that in itself is attactractive. Keep up the good work Kevin and I’ll always let my light shine.


I appreciate how you reference peace and light and projecting it. That is something I've noticed a lot of these 'Napolean Syndromers' try to extinguish in me. My body feels it, my anxiety heightens and I just say, nope. I've been accused by a few female friends of being cold. However, no one is allowed to dampen or extinguish my light. I only cut off folks after many chances. I'm not a monster, I have a system, like you said. Happy to hear it from you!!


meeting men as an introvert tips? when meeting people is exhausting, especially large groups of people, which is usually where people meet!


Did you know that in biology smiling is a sign of submission? Statistically men like women who smile more because it's a subtle way of viewing her as submissive and docile to him. I agree with Kev, appearing happy and bubbly and confident will make you appear more attractive but just remember that the kind of guys that you attract will expect you to be the more passive in the relationship, so ask yourself if you want that.

Also the modernization of our current culture is showing that women do have to step into roles where they are more independent and, for lack of a better word "masculine" back in the 60s and 70s the average man could completely support his family, if he wanted to, but nowadays women are expected to contribute to household income, this is because of factors like the increase in the cost of buying a house, raising a family, starting a business, and so much more that people did not have to worry about in the past. With this knowledge in mind it would make sense that women smile less and no longer seem as approachable, it's because now we are often expected to be the "man" and the "woman" in the relationship while guys, because of our poor economy, are actually started to contribute less and less to the average relationship.


Most men tell me I look too mean to approach.
Not mean.
My guard is at an all time high


Wow Kevin you give the best advice, using the right words, thank you so much to share. Respect and blessings to you.


It’s true a simple smile goes a long way. My guard is up but you can catch this “light” in my smile


I think to be attractive to men is being in shape period
