Did Luxu Possess Brain? - A Kingdom Hearts Theory [The Data Brain Theory]

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This is the Data-Brain Theory.

Two Scripted videos in Two Weeks? Outrageous.

00:00:00 Introduction
00:01:12 Evidence
00:05:05 Observations
00:06:59 Secret Report 12
00:08:55 The Theory
00:14:26 Conclusions
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Damo: “data daybreak town”
My brain : “day-to-day break town”


I love that you love discussing the lore of KH. This fanbase is probably one of the best online


I really like the idea of Data Brain using Brain's real body as a vessel as he would lose it upon time traveling.


I was thinking "but there'd be two hats", but then if we assume that DataBrain takes Brain's original body, then only one hat makes sense. This theory, overall, makes a lot of sense. I have no idea if it's true or not, but it's very interesting.

Brain said that his mission was to live to be the beacon for his friends, so it kind of seems reasonable that DataBrain would have the same character traits and be amenable to that mission as well. At least at first blush, this theory seems reasonable, even if something else comes out in the story later. I've seen several people suggest that Luxu wanted the Box hidden from himself.

Anyway, got sent here by your "What's in the Black Box" video, so now I'm going to go watch the rest of that one. :)


As someone who was more firmly of the belief that Luxu took Brain's body after sending Brain's heart to the future.... I have to say that you've convinced me haha. The continuous focus on the data backups fits really neatly as a clue into what happened and when combined with the secret report it makes too much sense to ignore. My biggest question now though - if Luxu left the box and his keyblade to the data Brain - is this: What is his "final task"?

And yes, personally, I prefer the longer "explainer" portions before the theory so that the relevant info is fresh in my mind. Good analysis dude!


I absolutely love and adore this series and with all the lore that’s already established, it sounds complicated to an outside observer but makes perfect sense to a fan. But no matter what, theories, even when they’re absolutely amazing and feel like they could be true, are so much wackier and more confusing than anything else. It’s so frustrating because it means we just have to wait. But I’m gotten off topic. The point is, I like your idea and as far as KH goes I think it makes a lot of sense, and I look forward to your next mystery explained. Oh! I also really like this format, stick with it.


All I managed to figure out that the one at the end is definitely Brain. Because Brain is the only one who would address Elempher as friend🤔


the real question is why didnt they just take out data sora as a backup buh dum tss but seriously the theme of putting darkness into a vessel has been a thing in kh and that idea may have come from data brain staying behind encountering darkness. luxus keyblade ends up in scala proving this indefinatley . real brain staying with light while the other is darkness.


I just took it as Luxu sent Brain forward in time and if you remember the rules of time travel in this franchise only your heart can move forward through time your body is either destroyed or stays behind. So he possessed the body that was left behind. However because of the book of prophecies they knew that he was going to show up in Scala ad caelum in the future so they had a vessel waiting for him so he was completed so technically you end up with two versions of Brain. The one in the past possessed by Luxu who goes on to become Bragi, Braig and Xigbar, and the resurrected one in the future who is the real one.


I agree with your theory. I believe the biggest problem for providing proof of the theory is that some details of the main story are left out on purpose. For example, we knew that Ven was the imposter and should not have been there. We also knew that he did not murder Strelitzia because of the person he is. What was left out in the story was that darkness used him and manipulated him to murder Strelitzia and tricked him into thinking he was a dandelion. It was not until then that what I just said was confirmed. I believe this to be true about your theory as well. Dialogue between Brain and Luxu has been left out on purpose. Until that part of the story is revealed, your theory will be proven correct. Maybe more could be added to your theory to make it 100% true. But there is no telling until more story is released. Also, please continue to make videos of heavily explaining the thought. It makes you sound more believable and credible. The next video I would like to see is a complete timeline of Master Xehanort before Dark Road comes out. Also include everything from the secret reports. I know that sounds like a nightmare to take on Ahaha but I'd love to see it.


If a human brain has two sides, that means a character name Brain is actually two people!!!!
*suspense music*
Jokes aside, really cool theory. If data Brain is basically an older version of his thoughts, he would gladly help out with the plan of helping his friends. So i can actually see this becoming true.


Interesting thought occurred, what if when Luxu is talking about how, "It's a shame this is the only lifetime you've got, " he's referring to Dream Eaters? All of the previous Dandelions had been turned into the Dream Eaters, or reincarnated, but Luxu was stating that wouldn't be the case for Brain, for whatever reason. I don't know, but this was something I've been thinking about.


Seems like a solid enough theory. They seem to be setting Brain up as a big deal moving forward, so I'm eager to see where the story takes him. Knowing Nomura though, anything we speculate on is only ever going to end up being, at most, a small fraction of whatever insane narrative his genius mind has comprehended.


Yazora is a Replica. He's a combination of all 13 Darkness. Crafted from Sora's memories to be as close to a human as possible.
Master Xehanort is working with Yen sid to train Sora, Kairi, Lea ect... Xehanort is not evil. Xehanort is not an antagonist. He's just training his pupils to wield the Keyblade, and become a Master like he is. He's doing this to save reality, by getting a keyblade wielder from unreality to save the world. Yazora, is a crafted replica/ keyblade wielder, made from Sora, Riku's dreams, and Kairi's memories to save reality.

All the characters in Kingdom Hearts from Light and Darkness, are part of a whole person, who form a new type of keyblade wielder. Xehanort, the Master of Masters, and Yen Sid are looking for, to save reality.
Maleficent & Pete are the real antagonists. They control the heartless, and they will find the Box with the Book of Prophecies, with the intent to change reality into something else. Maleficent is about to become extreme evil soon, mark my words. This whole time Sora has been the force that has protected fairytales and prevented Maleficent from changing reality into negativity, and darkness.


We need a reaction to all xigbar quotes throughout the entire series I feel like there were many foreshadowing quotes or deeper meaning to his words than we originally thought


Fun little side note: In RE:Coded, they also bring up the possibility of "data versions" of themselves. Before Mickey, Donald, Goofy, etc. realize they're in the datascape, Goofy suggests that there could be versions of themselves the same way there are versions of other characters. And if that was the case, there is the possibility they could join Sora in his adventures. Jiminy tells them that it's possible, but that the "whole datscape is fragmented, and not a complete entity like [they] first thought." Then they get distracted and the ADHD sets in and it never gets brought up again. Considering that Maleficent later in that game mentions that "The long slumber" would soon end and that's why she's looking to bathe the Worlds in Darkness, to kind of get a foothold in the cosmic scale. This is a Maleficent that we know know has been to the Age of Fairy Tales. Who knows how much she knows, but it lends credence to the theory that the interplay between someone's Data version, and someone's Real version, is going to be important at some point.


These are all different thoughts I had while watching this:

1) I feel its strongly hinted by Maleficent (and in your video showing the maleficent cutscenes) that the black box wasn't just hiding "somewhere", it was hiding some-"when" - and that the Keyblade War between Sora and Xehanort had to occur before the box was going to re-appear. For whatever reason, Luxu either pretended to not know, genuinely lost his memories, or was looking for a some one or some sign that would signal the point in which the black box would or would not return. I'm moreso thinking the latter of the options makes as much as sense as him forgetting about it, because we know that for a variety of different reasons, people can be made to forget about the existence of people until they suddenly return to existence (everyone forgetting about Sora for example).

It seems that also based on the secret reports that once Sora and Xehanort's war concluded, that the MoM would return, and the Foretellers (which we actually see happen) would as well. We know that for whatever reason Ava isn't there (either she's dead, trapped with the dandelions, or is somehow involved in the "true dandelion" mission, or something else). We also don't see the MoM just appear at the same time as everyone else, meaning either he could show up right after, or like Ava, he was never intending to show at the same time (despite Luxu seemingly expecting that to happen after the Keyblade War ends, yet not commenting on it - instead remarking about Ava instead). Perehaps something else needs to be done before the MoM can/will fully return.

2) Brain's goal is to free the Dandelions from the Data Realm and return them back to the world. ( and if that wasn't his goal, then it was sure a waste of time to repeatedly show him saying that was his goal).

3) Brain must time-travel to roughly 100ish years or w/e or so before the events of the mainline KH games so that he can become Eraqus' grandfather. For some reason, Eraqus has at no point said anything about the dandelions, so its not known if he has any idea about that side of him or that history, or even that being a goal that was important - for some reason. We only know Xehanort knows about the Lost Masters because he talked to MoM at some point, and that Eraqus MIGHT know about them and pretends not to because its something to hide, or genuinely doesn't even know that much.

4) People in Scala at that time knew Brian was going to be there, and even had a medium ready for him. The question is they either learned about this because they got this info from some version of the Book Of Prophecies, or some form/version of "Luxu" went to Scala to both give his No-name Keyblade and also the info about Brain arriving some day. In particular, the No Heart still has to get to Scala at some fucking point because its there when Xehanort and Eraqus are kids - and unless Luxu literally leaves Brain the MoM keyblade, but then ONLY takes over his body but somehow lets his heart still have the keyblade, allowing Brain's heart and the NoHeart to like skip thousands/hundreds of years of watching the worlds that Luxu is supposed to do... that would mean that Luxu deliberately chose to not let the Eye of the MoM see the worlds change over time, and would've actually caused the book of prophecies to not even be able to be written in the first place, as the MoM would only be able to know of the events that happened from when Brain arrives in Scala, up until the point where KH3 ends. While interesting, I think its clear that the Brain that goes to the future doesn't have the No Heart with him, and that the version of Brain with the Org Coat only ends up giving the Keyblade, at some unknown time, over to Scala someone ends up inheriting it and just joining scala; as the keyblade has be in the world to let the MoM view everything and write the book of prophecies. Not to mention, the No Heart is like put on display as like this important thing, so its not like its just some random keyblade from some random keyblader - its clearly understood to hold some significance, but we've been given no reason to believe that it stemmed from any information that Ephemer himself would've had; meaning Luxu had to at some point deliver or give the thing over and explain its significance to at least someone important.

5) We know there's a reason we are deliberately shown two scenes with people who are implied to be Luxu:
One where he fights a darkness, even though he knows he can't kill it
One where he talks to Brain in strange manner, acting as if he has no idea about the situation at hand and asking him about everything going on, and either threatening or offering him something relating to his inevitable mortality.
I want to say that it looks like Luxu is deliberately letting Darkness go within him, though I can't think of any reason why other than to sabotage some aspect of the MoM's plan - as that would mean there's now Darkness either in Luxu or Brain.

6) Why send Data Strelitzia into the future? Does Luxu know that there will be vessels there for the data to be used for some reason? If not - seems like a waste to just send a data husk hoping something happens with it... there must be some understanding of what's going to happen to the data when it arrives, otherwise its a stupid plan that makes no sense.

7) Where the fuck exactly is the Keyblade Graveyard? We know it's supposed to be where Daybreak Town is - or close to it - and yet, somehow based on the implied order of events, a version of Brain with a org coat is at the Keyblade Graveyard at roughly a similar time where Ephemer is already creating Scala... but Scala is literally being rebuilt on a flooded world, so what the keyblade graveyard just wasn't part of the whole world being destroyed and flooded? lol If they would've just shown Org coat brain standing over the same ruins Ephemer was in, it would be so much more clear when this scene is supposed to take place, but now it makes me feel like that scene could've taken place any time at all - as the keyblade graveyard doesn't really seem to change.

It makes me wonder more about certain timeloop theories as an alternatively theory (which I don't like), where Luxu and Brain have ALWAYS been the same person, or look the same, and this was done intentionally by the MoM so that Luxu would kind of interpret what the MoM's intentions were, and make some kind of decision. We know Luxu straight up says that what he's doing is based off of his take on what he should be doing, and what he thinks should be done.

It just makes too much sense, and is implied too directly, that the evicting of Brain's heart to the future and taking his body was just what was done here... And I think that Luxu needed to take that last pod to at least get back to the real world (the darknesses couldn't escape the data world without a vessel to go through time with on the ark, so I don't think Luxu was so special he could just leave whenever he wanted to), so he took over Brain's body, left his old body behind, and together they traveled back to the real Daybreak Town and then he released Brain's heart - allowing it to travel to some point in the future where Brain's hat could be used as medium to allow him to return (likely all put into motion by Luxu, or perhaps someone else who wanted to bring Brain back) and then allowing Brain to fulfill some prophecy, or begin some plan, that will allow him to one day work to freeing the dandelions ( and if that wasn't his goal, then it was sure a waste of time to repeatedly show him saying that was his goal).


I really like this theory solely for the reason it explains what happened to the last data pod. It bothered me that nobody mentioned this so far, since the fact that one data pod had been left behind means that the data world was never really locked. This would also mean that there was nothing preventing the 4 darknesses that player trapped in the data world from escaping eventually. This theory perfectly explains how the last pod could have been used (and the data world locked for good), while also explaining the whole Brain situation.


Firstly, like this format a lot.

On the theory, A lot hinges on the data backups, and while I think it's a wild concept, you've made a very convincing case.

Up to now, without giving much consideration yet (I still need to play MoM), I assumed there was just some time shenanigans happening and that something occured after Brain ending up in Scala, where the scene in the graveyard is "after" the scene in Scala (not necessarily temporally, but for the objective viewer).
But that ignores how strongly it's suggested that Luxu would bequeath Noname right that moment and the report about the order of events for Luxu as well.

So while I'm slightly sceptical and wanting to see things unfold more, yours is the best I've got 😅 It explains a lot all at once, like Brains original keyblade still being in rotation despite his having No Name.

Nice work Damo


I once had a theory of my own.
Ask yourself this:

"If you knew exactly what was going to happen, and that it was going to happen either way - would you still play along, or would you go against it?"

I feel this is the dilemma that Luxu has been experiencing.
The Master straight up told him that the Book of Prophecies only exists due to the link between the Gazing Eye of the past, and the Gazing Eye of the future. Luxu has already done exactly what he was supposed to do. Not just because it is written in the book, but because this Luxu followed the instructions of this book.
He stood on the very path which it foretold, and eventually became Xigbar, the black goat.

Knowing this information, what if Luxu decided to oppose it? He opposed it knowing that the Book was merely bait for Darkness to orientate itself according to the information provided by the book.
If the book said "this was going to happen", then Darkness would be there.
Using that advantage, this Luxu seemed convinced that this was the Master's true intention for Luxu, to realize the "truth" and stray away to find a new solution - one that might not begin with a keyblade wielder, but a forsaken warrior? One, that had no place in this reality - so this warrior created his own fictional world, a world of reality... or a world of fantasy, in which he was left with a new identity with no place to be?

Let's say, at some point (maybe during Dark Road), one of the keyblade wielders meets their demise, but as their heart is destroyed, they lose everything. Their name, their identity, maybe even their keyblade.
And yet they still keep the knowledge of this 'new' identity not being their true self, in pursuit of the truth.
I think this is who Yozora essentially is - someone who isn't a "nobody", but his heart is no longer recognizable by anyone. They won't know who he used to be. And there might just be one person who lived to witness these events, either in a parallel presence to the black goat, or by following the newfound path to a completely different turn of events. Eventually, they might become Luxord, the white goat.

Now you might remember the Master's riddle:

"A black goat stashes away a letter, then orders a white goat to search for it."

The black goat is in the future, and with that, he is unknowingly able to share his wisdom with the white goat, residing in the past. The black and the white goat originate from the same person. While Xigbar may only remember 'his' past as the black goat, he is completely oblivious to the idea of the white goat being very close to him. And the white goat happens to have the advantage of knowing who the black goat is.

Which leaves the question: What's the endgame?

I feel like no other member of the Organization stood closer to Sora than Xigbar.
While every other member of the original and final organization seemed to have a more simple goal, Xigbar remained the odd one.

Xehanort wanted to re-live the events of the Keyblade War, perhaps in order to restore order between light and darkness.
Xemnas was in pursuit of understanding the power of a heart.
Ansem was the vengeful side of Xehanort, who knew of Ansem The Wise's darker and untold tales.
Young Xehanort travelled through time to further collect useful information for himself.
Vanitas is (a) darkness.
Terra-Xehanort wanted to erase his past, embodied by the Lingering Will, and take control of the guardian which held Terra's heart as a prisoner.
Data-Riku, similar to Replika-Riku once, wanted to become the "true" Riku.
Isa was both jealous and angry of his friend Lea, with whom he shared a promise - to save a lost heart in Radiant Garden. (Subject X?)
Marluxia may have been seeking the power of the keyblade to reunite himself with Strelitzia.
Larxene, a friend of Marluxia when they used to co-exist together as keyblade wielders, accompanied him throughout the journey.

I left out Xion, because she's replaced by Kairi (who's saved either way).
Demyx, because we know jack shit about him.
And Luxord, because we know jack shit about him... or do we?

I always had this feeling that they all tried to convince Sora of either giving up, or joining their side to help them.
Only Xigbar seemed off, not only because he seemed rather distant whenever the Organization was up to its antics, but because he could easily relate to Sora.

Xigbar, or Luxu, used to have friends, too.
And Luxu used to care about his friends, be it the foretellers or the union leaders.
He cared for his friends, and wanted them to be safe. This motivation was his source of power, in a way.

His friends, were his power.
And even then, it was not enough.

So what if Xigbar tried to make or break that very hero out of Sora, sharing his own wisdom with him in a wise-cracker format? And what if Luxord attempted the same with Yozora?

What if they were both meant to meet at one point, but their fight ended in a tie?
What if they were forced to fight together, until one hero was decided upon?
What if Yozora is just another stepstone for Sora's journey?
What if this was all in an effort to change the outcome of the very end, in which darkness may have won?

I feel like Luxord, now without a keyblade, uses his heart as his guiding key.
