SONAR X1 Production Suite

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Now you can own the best of Cakewalk's professional production tools with the SONAR X1 Production Suite, which includes SONAR X1 Expanded. Available at select music retailers in October 2011.

SONAR X1 Producer has everything needed to deliver the polished, "radio-ready" recordings that are expected in today's music industry -- all in one box. Now, the SONAR X1 Production Suite expands on those capabilities with additional production tools, enhanced views, ProChannel modules, and Z3TA+ 2, one of the most powerful and acclaimed virtual instruments in history.

SONAR X1 Production Suite includes:

SONAR X1c Producer
SONAR X1 Producer Expanded
PC4K S-Type Gate module
Z3TA+ 2 Waveshaping Synthesizer

SONAR X1c Producer
Latest version of the critically-acclaimed SONAR X1 Producer with its wide array of instruments, effects, and cutting-edge production tools.

SONAR X1 Producer Expanded
Custom ProChannel strips, Saturation Knob module by Softube, Music XML, SoundCloud export, FX Chains 2.0, and more!

PC4K S-Type Expander/Gate
Vintage-style ProChannel module for use with PC-76 U-Type compressor or with PC4K S-Type buss compressor for full channel strip emulation.

Z3TA+ 2 Waveshaping Synthesizer
New filter types, modulatable waveshapers, flexible effects, expressive control, a gorgeous new interface, and 1000 new patches.
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Looking forward to expanded and the gate/expander plug too. X1 is the best DAW yet imo.


Sound banks are much better than last year.


I've never used PT but do use AL8, Cubase 5 (PC), Sonar 8.5 and X1. X1 workflow has really improved since 8.5, but I was sceptical about upgrading since the initial release of X1 was quite 'buggy' and many felt that it was released far too early. With X1c and 'Expanded' installed, I've never had such good work flow and to my ears X1 sounds incredibly good. Compared to AL8 and Cubase 5, I think Sonar has the better sounding native Plugins but the dedicated Prochannel is just amazingly good.


yo I got sonar x1 producer how can I get in on all this goodies????


IMHO, sorry, but I don't think anything can beat Ableton and Pro Tools nowadays...
