3 Minute Singed Guide - A Guide for League of Legends

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Got 3 minutes spare? Why not take a quick look at how to play Singed Top!

Singed is one of the most troll champions you can play! His entire kit revolves around making himself almost worth chasing - but the catch is you'll never catch him! All the while you're being poisoned and slowed out!

0:00 Why Play Singed?
0:15 Singed's Abilities
1:09 Combos
1:27 Match Ups
1:36 Runes
1:39 Build Order
1:47 Skill Order
1:51 Summoners
1:54 Lane Phase
2:36 Mid/Late Game

In this video we look at THE ULTIMATE PROXY SINGED GUIDE FROM RANK 1 SINGED PLAYER (SEASON 12) - League of Legends checking out Proxy Singed to Diamond in 2 Hours or Less (Learn from the Rank 1 Singed) we learn How to Play Singed Mid & CARRY + Best Build/Runes | Singed Mid Guide Season 12 - League of Legends we fund that I BROKE THE SOUND BARRIER WITH THIS TURBO BROKEN SINGED BUILD (NIGHT HARVESTER) we learn The Best Singed Build To Date? as well as SINGED is the STRONGEST CHAMP on MID and TOP after BUFFS in 12.15! ◾ Singed guide League of Legends
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I was thinking about playing singed, thank you so much


As a one champ player singed. I can share a few things. Hope it helps you. Singed is not weak in the early game and not strong in the late game, it depends on the enemy champion. It can be said that singed is a strong champion in the mid game. Singed is actually very strong in the early game if you meet the right solo pair. Usually singed is overwhelming at level 1 2 with most short-range champions. You will want to use singed as a snowball champion rather than a control and support champion. With speed and ignite as the support spells. Your snowball goal is to poke 1/2 of the opponent's health at level 1 and use a health potion immediately. Immediately after eating the first dead minion of turn 2, you will level up to level 2. At that time, you must be in a state of fighting with the enemy champion. Immediately after leveling up to level 2, you immediately add E and knock up, ignite.

With the matchup, you are the underdog. You will try to proxy. You don't want to go lane with champions like urgot, gnar or jayce. It's okay for your opponents to know that. They will usually wait for you to proxy on the first minion turn. You should skip the first minion turn because if you meet a good player, you will only get experience on the lane. You just try to minimize economic damage as much as possible. If you are the underdog, you should take the Unsealed Book rune with teleport and flash. If you are the top, you should take the conqueror rune with ignite, ghost or flash.

If you play well, you can even beat renekton. The more you play, the more tricks you will learn.

Because singed has good escape and proxy abilities, he can reduce pressure on bot lane by drawing attention to top lane. You should only proxy when you have information or an advantage from the jungler or mid who can support you. Proxy is a double-edged sword, so don't overuse it. Good singed players know when to proxy. By the way, don't learn style play the Baus. You should watch onechamp singed XIAOFENGFENG.

I use translate. Sorry for the inconvenience


Bc of this guide I got to masters thanks!


i got demoted. i tried this proxy and went 0/23


singed is not a splitpusher. he is a teamfighter + he isnt really that tanky he is more of a ap bruiser


should I try to proxy at the start of the game every game, or only when against range match ups?


Please please please do an urgot jungle guide


Are Singed and Urgot related?

(also i saw Urgot video from 10 months ago. Does it need updating)?)


Can you make next vid with kayn pls. I need it


Singed's passive is mind wipe. Everyone forgets Rule #1 of League of Legends when they face Singed. LOL


Worth noting that trying to goo fling a master Yi will not root if he ults because riot spaghetti code


is Rod of Ages good pick as a starting item? Or is Liandry's better?


I always go with rush Cosmic Drive on Singed.


i decided to make onetrick singed account on west thx for this XD


Why all the arcane carecters are way better


I got the Astro Singed skin for free I'll try to use it lol


I thought on singed I need to go crystal scepter first


This is the worst designed champ ive ever seen Jesus what type of pot have they smoken to make up his abilities


Singed the most cringe champion the proxy king
