What's new in Inventor 2019 | General Enhancements 1 (Part 1/7)

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Learning content with demo videos about performance improvements & the new Hole command. This video covers General Enhancements of Autodesk Inventor 2019 including intermediate updates 2019.1, 2019.2, 2019.3 & 2019.4 based on following Help pages (click on SHOW MORE)

#1 Inventor Help pages

#2 Table of video content
- Agenda with chapters (0:14)
- Performance improvements for part, assembly & drawing (2:30)
- The overhauled Hole command (5:43)
- Hole property panel improvements along with 2019.1 Update (11:27)

#3 What's new in Inventor playlists

#4 More resources
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