15 Shocking Simpsons Predictions That Became True

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Top 15 Shocking Simpsons Predictions That Became True. "The Simpsons," a show known for its animated antics and humor, has unexpectedly gained a reputation as a modern-day oracle. Beyond its hilarious plots, this iconic series has perplexed audiences with its uncanny ability to foreshadow real-world events in technology, politics, sports, and entertainment for more than three decades and no one knows how they did it.. Here are fifteen Shocking Simpsons Predictions That Became True. 15 predictions made by the Simpsons over the years and see whether or not they turned out to be true.

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"Predictions" is wishful thinking, more like planned events coming to fruition. They have to tell us their plan before they execute it.


Uhh the creators of the Simpsons are part of the not so secret societies that truly run this world


Maybe Lady Gaga got the idea from the Simpsons


those ruling the world revealing their plans through entertainment is not prophecy


It's crazy how they even got the sign falling in the background on trump's scene. 🤯


Noticed how the "vote" sign fell in both the cartoon and reality 🤯


The producer of the show is a high ranking mason. I think that would explain alot on how the show exposes certain things. JMHO..With that said, this was interesting and your narrative is on point. Nice one for the upload.💯👏🏾👏🏾👊🏿


Wasn't there a precursor to the "Smart Watch, " in the old Dick Tracy comics? That was decades before The Simpsons.


I can absorb the fact that all these predictions in Simpsons are becoming true years after a years n decades after decades but the fact that events are happing in the same places, the same way is unbelievable. How can they predict exactly years ago whats happening now 😳😳


It's interesting to note that in 2014, Ray Horn said that he had a stroke onstage, and that Monticore drug him by the neck offstage to safety, and that it wasn't an attack at all.


A lot of this technology stuff was already done on an old ass show called, "The Jetsons."


I love that the video phone Lisa is using is actually a rotary dialed phone. It actually looks like a old school rotary phone with a tv screen on top 😂


The theory that maybe the Simpsons IS the cause of it all always intrigued me. I think there’s a kind of manifestation power a lot of things have whether we realize it or not. I’ve noticed in my life the more I’ve obsessed over a certain thing the more it began to appear in my life when it never did before. I have countless odd stories about it. There’s been many times in life I watch a movie, become obsessed with it then something very similar to the movie happens in my life. Me and my mom joke about it often because it happens so much. There was a time for a while I got obsessed with “Napoleon Dynamite” and a lot of weird things happened during that time including everytime I’d wear a shirt with him on it or I’d talk about Napoleon to my mom almost always not too long after someone would appear in the store who looked identical to him to an uncanny degree. I’m talking same hair, same glasses, same smug mannerism everything and they always would stare at me like they knew. This didn’t just happen once but many times. My mom would see them too and remark how weird it was we’d just be talking about Napoleon only for someone identical to appear not just once but many times. Also had tons of sleep paralysis experiences that involved what looked like Napoleon during the same time. Could be the more energy you put into something the more power you give it. The world is crazy. We don’t know everything there is to it


Nothing was predicted with this cartoon it was planned right in front of your eyes to see


Matt Groening is a 33rd degree Mason. He has access to the looking glass machine. Truth.


Bruh Jacob Rothschild has his own personality on the show how clear you want it to be?


The writers are probably always aware of everything that happens in the world, and that is helping them to understand how things would end in the future.


Here's nothing amazing about the predictions. It's just telling us the world's a stage and the Simpsons is the playbook they use to forward their agenda


Robin Williams did a movie in 2006, Man of the year. That was about voting machine glitches. The writers of the Simpson's didn't make up something new.


they just released the episode showing the rapture several years back, that is by far the most likely to happen very soon, for those who are ready prepare yourselves for your redemption draws near and for those who really doesn't care the tribulation ready for you now.
