CONTROLLING GRAVITY: Alcubierre Drive, Metamaterials, and UFOs

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Scientists won the Nobel Prize for detecting gravity waves with the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) in 2016.

Now, the more 'out there' solutions to Einsteins equations are closer to a reality. Or do recovered metamaterials show us that we've known these solutions were correct for quite some time?

Join Rather B. Squidding in exploring the science behind the Alcubierre Drive and how metamaterials may solve the negative energy requirement and allow us to travel faster than light.

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My thoughts EXACTLY!!

I’ve had the opinion that meta materials are the key to unlocking the waves of not only electromagnetism, but even the strong force, gravity!!

We need far more brilliant, young minds working on material physics and material chemistry.


This is blowing my mind a bit. One compelling argument to me was that if Lazar said the craft would make gravity waves, then why aren't the scientists at the gravity wave lab recording them. Thank you.


Great work as always! I hope that Pentagon will release some news on alien spacecrafts soon.


Very interesting, I thought a lot about if crafts used gravity amplifiers around it and nullified gravity in front of it, forcing the craft to fall into that direction until it is turned back on. It seems possible within an atmosphere, but how would this be used to avoid objects floating in space I don't know. I think more and more that other dimensions have to be in play that we simply don't understand yet, thanks for the video!


I’d like to hear more about this. Speculation over time drives innovation. I’m pleased so many are working towards a solution we are curious about resolving.

Stay well.


Graphene cones also have the ability to produce massless electrons.


Interesting about the need for laying out energy highways. What is this for? Protection against particles? I wonder if an increase in sightings is worrying as they could be maintaining instant travel highways to nuclear sites and through cities and if so then why


Did you just say a "tic-tac"? verrrry interesting...


You could pinch a neck of space with two inert, yet massive toroids granted one has one at both start point, and desired endpoint of desired path. This simple system would shorten the path between their coaxially aligned openings, with vessel platform passing through both ring openings at any velocity. The apparent distance between ring faces would be less than any other path, and the difference between this path, and that path without the ring system is dependent upon the percentage of the total mass of that universe, with upper limit reached when ALL matter compressed into point particle singularity with apparent distance equal to zero. That being impractical, I was thinking instead of billions of extremely rapid jumps by manipulating mass/gravity/ locally around the object to be moved. same thing as you are describing, creating a series of gradients that take less power because only small pinches in the fabric and because it could be done by rapidly pulsing the shift and using a wave guiding material to invert the imbalance thus paying the bill so to speak. it costs little energy to create small vibration on a very local scale in the fabric thus, many oscillations at a high rate while conserving the vibration frequency thru a reflection, or inversion process, thus establishing a space time fabric gradient in the direction one wishes the device to shift. like plucking a guitar string, once the energy to create the initial deflection has been put into the system, a constant addition of extra energy should sustain the vibration in the fabric. There is going to be a dampening effect caused by the inertia of all mass surrounding the device in inverse proportion to distance. In other words you will need enough energy to vibrate not just your locality, but all of space time by lesser, and lesser degrees the farther from the source of vibration. A function of the elasticity of the fabric, the frequency, and amplitude of the oscillation would define the energy cost. Sorry, for the rather disjointed thinking out loud there. To get, and maintain that vibration is reasonable, but to bias that vibration to one side of the oscillation is the real difficulty, if one wishes the device to move thru the fabric of space. If one can delay the energy cost, or inertial effect of one side of the oscillation, or pass that oscillation through an meta material inverter thus temporarily forcing both sides of the wave form to exist on the same side of the zero point simultaneously, one may make a "jump" equal to the initial fabric deflection outside of inertia because the fabric moved at lightspeed, not the device. While in that state it seems the next step would be to amplify the initial deflection, and jump again, or alternately add to that energy debt that created the initial jump gradient to make it steeper, then after this initial jump, pay the other half of the energy debt. Another way to say this is that one big pinch would cost one massive energy amount, but you step through in one step. When this pinch ( one side of an oscillation) is released however, one should be able to recoup that borrowed energy debt, minus space time friction (zero I would think), and the cost of some motion thru the compressed neck of space time. There is a way to do this. like a spider expending energy to pinch his web, step across, and then release that web through a generator to regain his expended energy. Think perhaps of regenerative braking in an electric car. All inefficiencies would be contained within the platform's internal motor/generator, and the pinch size limited only by the amount of stored energy contained within platform. In its initial state the platform would be at rest, or just above, and mechanism would begin cycle expending internal energy, with initial inertial velocity crossing thorough pinch from one web strand to the next, then ending cycle mechanism recoups energy expended through the controlled release of pinch, thus ending one cycle, with platform returning to initial velocity with platform occupants experiencing no inertial effects. Think electric spider with motor/generator operating leg joint.


No his model was the mass energy of Jupiter. Before this it was the entire universe. Both of these was based on speculation in one form or another. Sonny white was the mass energy of 700 kilograms with a resonating torus. There is actually another way of producing a antigravity effect or gravity deflection if a specific type of superconductor can be developed.


If you could control gravity, then you could get a signal out from below the event horizon of a black hole using gravity as a carrier wave.


Did anyone get over the Horizon problem with the drive? That would be massive!


U go Dude, believe U will find there are 2 types of gravity, kind of like the weak and strong force Ehhh!
