40 Tips for the Insta360 GO: ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW

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This video is a cracker. It’s my 40 tips for getting the best from your Insta360 Go. Be sure to watch all the way through to the end to get the most benefit for your shooting with the Go, and if you don’t have one, well it gives you a good idea of it’s capabilities too. For many of these tips I’ve also made separate videos where you can get more details and tutorials, so check the video description to find those, and also make sure you subscribe and hit the notification bell, because actually, I’ve got more coming soon over and above thee 40 tips I’m going to share with you today. And stay tuned for my bonus tip at the end which is the number one issue that people with their Go struggle with.

#Insta360Go #videography #ActionCamera
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I really hope you’re getting a sponsorship or affiliate fee because your videos have answered every last one of my questions and I’m about to insta360 go buy this little guy. Thank you so much!!
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Just a minor correction. The 5 minute recording time is a video length (FPV Mode), you can still choose Flowstate.FPV Stabilization, No Stabilization afterwards in the studio. Your comments at around 2:40 seem to be indicating that the 5 minute recording time is only available with FPV stabilization mode.


That FPV mode might be what has finally convinced me to buy it. I wanted to use it for Go karting in my helmet


I wish it recorded longer...I could use it in the casinos to record my Slot play videos..some of the casinos aren't video friendly...I was also looking at some of the video glasses and video pens...Great videos....very interesting and informative..


Thanks for the videos Sarb. Really enjoy the ones on your Insta360 Go. I've just bought one to use alongside my Hero 8. Keep up the great work!!


I watched several of your videos, and other's, about the insta360 go and finally I bought one. But all the videos mostly about how good the camera is and non of them deal with usb connection problem that many people are having with this camera, including myself.


Sarb, I really enjoyed that! I made the purchase, and am expecting my GO in a few days. I've been brushing up on many of your GO videos! I really appreciate all the work you've put into building a library for this camera! A big, "thank you" is in order! If you're ever looking for video ideas, here's one. I would love to see a "behind the scene" episode, kind of a director's cut, where you go out on a shoot, but share your thoughts on how you set up your shot, and what GO modes you chose to use, then show yourself filming the clip. I envision the use of a second camera to film yourself showing us all of this. You could call it "a behind scenes look at how I use the GO in my filming", or something shorter, lol. I'm fascinated with the thought process people have when getting their shots. You do such a great job with your videos! Thanks! Happy day! 🙂👍


This video is amazing Sarb. You have consistently been a great source for answers to my GO-related questions and a huge inspiration to start making YouTube videos myself. THANK YOU!
For one of my own videos I had a look at the differences between the iPhone and Android GO app, and there are some really interesting differences. 🤔


Great Video, always enjoy your videos


Handy tips! I’ll be trying the FPV mode soon. Have a great day and be safe out there!


I want one...but at this stage I'll wait a bit longer for the Mk2 if it appears.


What’s your tip for when it won’t hold a charge anymore… paperweight?


I have two more tips for you:
1. You can use FPV mode without a drone, as long as the camera is going to be kept cool enough to stop it overheating. For example, on the outside of a moving car, or inside an ice cave.
2. Join the official Facebook group for support and inspiration.


Yeah, you’ve convinced me that my Insta360 One X2 needs a Go to keep him company! 😃


Helpful video, but I’m searching for answers for the Insta360 and vr oculus relationships, is it possible to view footage in be?


Can the app be used with other footage? The Insta360 One app can be used with other footage. If so then I guess I can chest mount my smartphone and AI footage from that maybe.


I'm still debating with myself on either or not the GO is a gimmick camera. I own it but I've yet to really find where is truly better than the 360 R or X. The size is awesome though.


Hi I have just installed the lastest on my pc windows 10 and when I try to open a file it just crashes any ideas please how to fix, thanks


It charges in 20 minutes but how much time can it record then?
And the memory?


Great stuff! The go is unfortunately seems to be one of those under rated bits of gear, it's so damn neat. Wish there was more hype around the micro action cams that are targeted at living the moment. I find the app on Android pretty horrible at times thats one thing I hope 360 spend more time on in the future. You can though pull footage into other editing programs on windows which can help. Keep up the videos, good to see another go enthusiast hard at it.