Evolution of Fault Tolerance in PostgreSQL

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by Gülçin Yıldırım

At: FOSDEM 2017

PostgreSQL is an awesome project and it evolves at an amazing rate. The talkwill focus on evolution of fault tolerance capabilities in PostgreSQLthroughout its versions.

The talk will cover the topics listed below:

* Robustness of PostgreSQL * PostgreSQL Fault Tolerance: WAL * Transaction? Commit? Checkpoint? * Replication Methods for PostgreSQL * Physical Replication * Standby Modes * Streaming Replication and WAL * Failover and Switchover * Synchronous Commit * Managing Timeline Issues: pg_rewind * Trigger-based Replication * Logical Decoding : BDR and pglogical

There are several ways of how to look at fault tolerance. In this sensePostgreSQL provides different means of achieving fault tolerance anddependability either out of the box solutions or using extensions depending onwhat are the user’s priorities about their system. General fault tolerance inPostgreSQL is improving over time and I expect this trend to continue.

Room: H.1309 (Van Rijn)
Scheduled start: 2017-02-05 13:00:00
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