Aliens on the Ship in TNG vs Star Trek Strange New Worlds

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Same thing happened to me. This one time I got abducted by some greys and it was scary stuff. So I bolt out of a room, and I'm running around their ship right, until this one fella goes "hey did you see Italy win the world cup in '06?" and I was like "oh hell yeah dude. Forza It-"


The way TNG has you view the Enterprise through the alien's eyes is fantastic. The music and sound helps as well.


Biggest complaint: I'm getting tired of seeing Starfleet officers in every clip I see of the new stuff act like rambunctious, bumbling teenagers or spoiled children. The in-universe professionalism, maturity and composure that characterized their interactions and mannerisms seem to have been dropped by the new showrunners/writers. I have no idea why they'd feel a need to do that. What good does it do?


"If he dies, he dies." Stone Cold Picard.


Predator: Hey you know tagball?
Dutch: Yeah man


The first two aliens have an emotional breakdowns thier preconceived notions of what is real and what is true are forever changed, the first a post primitive tribesman witness to the awe and magic of modern science begins to worship a modern man as a literal god, and the second unable to cope with the sudden revelation and the weight of the knowledge of his new universe and his place within it tragically takes his own life. The third one has a lovely chat about space baseball.


The biggest difference I notice is in SNW only a couple of the crew react to the presence of aliens loose on board, yet in TNG nearly every member of the crew notices the alien loose on board and almost immediately try to help him and keep him calm. If anything the crew was a bit too eager to help, so that Riker had to wave them back to give the guy some space.


Just rewatched the TNG "The Perfect Mate" episode where some rescued Ferengis bumble around the ship unsupervised, easily get into a supposedly secure area and almost destroy something very valuable. They nearly cause a diplomatic incident, and that's before they stroll into an ambassador's quarters and almost kill him.


In fairness, the SNW alien was from a post-industrial modern society who just discovered warp. So he was not freaked out by corridors, lights, turbo lifts, etc. The only thing alien to him were the people. As opposed to the first guy from a bronze-age society who had not even seen electricity harnessed. He had reason to be way more scared.


"Oh, cool! You know tagball? Awesome dude! That is totally relatable to me and relevant to this situation!"


“Computer! Halt the turbolift from section 5 deck 13.”

Computer: Affirmative

“That should keep him from going anywhere. Nurse Chapel to security, I need assistance helping a frightened inhabitant with medical attention. Deck 13 section 5.”

Security: “On our way.”

There. Was that so hard?


Why bother calling security when it’s so much fun chasing him around the ship? 🤔


I hope to someday stumble upon the holodeck door controls myself.


Dr.: “The choice was either bring him aboard or let him die”
Picard: “Why didn’t you let him die?”

Picard would’ve made a nice vulcan man!


To be fair, the alien from Strange New Worlds was from a roughly 21st century level society. A space ship would look much less frightening/strange to him than the bronze age aliens shown from TNG.

That lady from First Contact had a similar reaction.


Imagine you get abducted by aliens, you find yourself on a spaceship, surrounded by weird looking creatures. But then one of them starts talking about your favorite sport and it's all right, suddenly you're in your element.


I like how she hits him with a second dose of tranquilizer like that's a thing you can just do without risking stopping him from breathing.


In the future, there will be no need for door locks 😂


The Starfleet personnel we saw in TOS were a lot more disciplined, composed, and well-mannered than the crew we see on Discovery and Strange New Worlds. There was a very good reason for that, as explained by "Admiral Kirk" in his forward to the novelization of Star Trek: The Motion Picture (penned by Gene Roddenberry himself). People who were more flexible and free-thinking had a high tendency to "go native" and jump ship when encountering exotic, more advanced alien cultures. To counter this, Starfleet began recruiting people who were more self-controlled and rigid in their thinking. People who, according to Kirk, more closely resembled humans of a couple of centuries earlier in their attitudes than people of the present (i.e., the TOS era), and were looked upon as 'primitives' by more enlightened folks of the era.

As Kirk put it; "We are not part of those increasingly large numbers of humans who seem willing to submerge their own identities into the groups to which they belong. I am prepared to accept the possibility that these so-called new humans represent a more highly evolved breed, capable of finding rewards in group consciousness that we more primitive individuals will never know. For the present, however, this new breed of human makes a poor space traveler, and Starfleet must depend on us "primitives" for deep space exploration."

In other words, according to Roddenberry himself, Starfleet of the TOS era would never have recruited the undisciplined, self-absorbed identitarians we see populating the crews of Discovery and Strange New Worlds.


the 90s may have been "beige hotel" but that still feels more like a spaceship than "phone store meets video game arcade"
