Do you need a Master's degree or a PhD to do DATA SCIENCE. FIND OUT HERE.

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Do you need a masters degree or PhD to be a data scientist or to work in Data Science? My thoughts.

3 Data Science Learning Platforms I would recommend

2 Recommended Python Courses

Data Science Interview Preparation

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Thank you Mr.Klein for always emphasizing on the importance of projects and experience rather than papers and certifications.


Great video! I opted for a Masters in computer science with a concentration in ML / AI over a Masters in data science. From my experience, this degree holds slightly more weight in industry. I had to learn many concepts unrelated to data science, but I have been able to leverage many of these skills in my personal projects. Nothing against Masters in DS programs, but I think that this path is also a very viable route!


I would like to share my experience, I am an ungrad in computer science and have immense interest in data science, when I was in my third year of uni I started slogging all soughts of concepts of machine learning and data science which was really fruitful for me.Done certain research work even and landed a job as a data scientist.One thing I learned in my struggle days was that the more force u put to learn something more amazing will be the output.Love learning guys
This man has always been a inspiration for me.


when Im down, I watch your videos and i feel inspired to continue... thanks


Top notch transitions in this episode. I particularly enjoyed the brolly transition :)


It was a rainy day for Data Science, but you shed some light on us, Thanks!


You cannot get a Data Analyst or Data Scientist jobs if you don’t graduate at the famous schools/universities with a bachelor degree. Otherwise, they require minimum 3-5 years experience, or at least have Master or Ph.D.


I just wanna learn to predict your cameras dispositions, that's all.


This guy gives me a hope of stepping into this field without a masters and PhD. I have seen other software developers on YouTube who emphasize that jobs are scarce in data science and without a degree and experience in this field, chances are slim. So, they push you to learn web stack development side of things to get quickly employed than putting your effort into this field.


Dude, awesome video and absolutely spectacular green landscape in a very depressing UK skyline that is ALWAYS gray and liquid sunshine-y. Thanks for sharing your perspectives!


This is not just an average guidance for career, you are a mentor of life, thank you so much.


Thank you so much for the information!! It was super helpful and loved the creativity in your video which isn’t just sitting in a room and talking!


Congratulations reaching the 100k subscribers! Greetings from Mexico ! 🌮🌮🌮


It felt like you made that video specially for me.
Thank you very much for this video.


Your camera tricks are from India


Very concise and insightful analysis, thank you! Highly creative video, too!


This is a great flowing and well structured video. Extremely detail and effective information. Well done!


Very informative video sir! Thank you!


Here is my background: I have a masters in exercise science, not a very useful degree unless I go for a doctorate in some related field which I am not interested in doing. I have no background in business, marketing, or computer science for that matter, but I enjoy mathematics and statistics and learning to code. My job experience is weak to say the least; overnight crew at a grocery store, salesfloor team member at Target, personal trainer at 24 hour fitness, and a physical therapy aid at a local clinic since graduating with my masters. Essentially, I have been making minimum or near minimum wage since graduation. My question is: Since I have no technical background and essentially no job experience related to data science, would investing upwards of 60k for a masters in data science give me any sort of edge versus if I tried to learn everything on my own? I understand doing capstone projects and uploading them to GitHub is helpful, but I would also be doing this as part of a curriculum and getting credentials for it. I feel like the degree would give me more credibility and the skills to work on more projects. I ask this because I am already near 100k in debt from my exercise science degree but jobs are very limited, and I enjoy coding and working with numbers much more so than working at a clinic or at gym trying to sell training packages.


Thank you so much Mr Klein, this is the video I needed, I thought that this would be the case, I am glad now that I am certain what is necessary
