5:2 Diet Michael Mosley Fully Debunked

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What's up guys, I hate bad information and love making fun of shitty info on the internet. However I also love answering questions relating to health and fitness also. So send me questions and I'll try and make a video about it.

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The worst part about this diet is that it works. I really wanted it to fail. Unfortunately, I lost about 30 pounds in six months. I hate it when that happens.


It's not a debunk, it's a rant.


Not sure what this guys talking about. I've been doing this for the past year and I've never felt healthier. I also function perfectly on my fast days without feeling drained or any other shit he's talking about


Uneducated! I only ate 500 calories today, went to work and believe it or not, I didn't sleep or feel lethargic, quite the opposite actually. Me thinks I'll trust the doctor who's done extensive research on this topic over some guy on youtube with a dodgy tash 👍


This is in no way an objective critical review. It's just a bunch of questions. "Since when is it this, since when is it that?".
It sounds smart, but it isn't.

Backing up your statements (or simply answering your questions) with facts, research results, and studies is elementary if you want to debunk a theory. Debunking is not being outraged in front of a camera.


You don't actually seem to know what you're talking about.
"What's up guys, I hate bad information and love making fun of shitty info on the internet." You ARE bad information. But yes, you do love making fun of information you're not qualified to discuss.
This diet works well. Lots of science. Many people follow it for years. Because it works, just like the Doc explained.
But hey, rant on, dude. Rant on.
PS: The rest of you should learn from this video just who it is you are listening to. The dude likes to rant (ie wants attention for some reason, ) and he's not fussy about his facts.


You can't work and otherwise function on 500 calories? Or chicken and salad? Or oranges? The fact that this apparently is shocking to you is hilarious. Of course you can function, of course you can survive a normal working day. It's not even close to a problem. If working out is too tiring on a day you're fasting, just work out the day after when you eat normally. I mean, what exactly are you on about...?
I agree with other commenters, this is no debunking. You're basically just rambling on about things you easily could have googled to acquire more knowledge about.


I started doing this four years ago and I found that I had more energy when fasting than on eating days. The thing to remember is the energy, glycogen that your muscles use is stored from the previous days eating. The energy you use doesn't come from what you eat now. If anything eating high carbs makes you tired and lethargic. Tell me you don't feel tired after eating burgers and fries?
Also what about the fat that you are carrying around? You are not in a calorie deficit until you are down to zero body fat.


if you don't want to do the 5:2 diet don't do it, jesus


Done the 5:2 diet...lost 30kg in 6months.

This was 2 years ago, and i'm still alive and still -32kg

You might want to slow down....you are looking too hard for attention.


Talking loud, with not a lot to say. Disappointing video.


Are you a trained physician? A professor who led major research? No! SO why make fun of such people?


This guy is clueless. Grains and starches are pushed by big Agra and that's why they're big on the "dietary food" pyramid.


Although your description of the perception of the 5:2 diet is probably how many see it unfortunately it gives a false impression.
The "daily" calorie intake suggestion is just an average, evolution hasn't equipped you to eat every day. The result is most of us over eat.
I have been doing the 5:2 diet for 2 years I have lost 30 pounds and have a further 7 pounds to go to reach my medically approved target weight.
I eat a healthy whole food diet including meat and fish.
On my diet days I eat:

Breakfast 7:30 am - Porridge with honey

Lunch 1 pm - 2 apples and a raw carrot ( I happen to like them and they bulk up the meal so I don't feel hungry).

Dinner 6:30 pm - for 2 of us I chop up - 2 bell peppers, 2 courgettes (zucchini), 1 onion roughly chopped, 100 gms of cherry tomatoes (about a handful). + 360 gms white fish. The veg are roasted in the oven for 40 mins with about 1 table spoon of oil. When roasted the oven is turned off the fish added on top of the veg and returned to the oven for a further 7 mins. Season with balsamic vinegar. NO CARBS. I drink water and lime juice during the day or black coffee no sugar.
total about 650 calories for the day.

The rest of the week I eat as I normally do, after a few months you find your self actually eating more responsibly during the none diet days because you see the weight loss.

No matter what you say I am a 66 year old male, I am 6 foot 3 tall and initially weighed 231 pounds (16.5 st) 105 Kg. I do not feel hungry, I do not lack energy, I get plenty of nutrition with a wide ranging balanced diet. This is the only diet I have ever been able to stick to and that works long term. It is flexible, variable to suite life style.

Don't knock it if you haven't tried it, Don't ridicule something that has considerable medical testing behind it, Don't push carbs and processed foods at people when we have a major obesity crises in the first world mainly caused by the abundance of cheap food, processed food high sugar intake and elevated carbohydrate intake.

Sorry your wrong. I have tried this and can prove it works. As a byproduct of other medical trials i have had a full medical every 2 weeks for the past 6 months, my blood chemistry, my weight, my sugar levels are all considered normal even though I use this diet.


Insane.... But works.
Easy to fast and train for 36 hours at a time. Lost loads of weight and got stronger.


Clueless, badly researched rant. Embarrassing 🙈


Most of the foods you mentioned are not the same as they once were . Our ancestors  ( cave men ) did not go into fields & harvest corn, rice, wheat & beans . Nor was a wild potato any thing like what we get in stores , Or plump veg & fruits .These foods have been Genetically Modified . I have yet to see a picture of a Cave man with a sandwich or bowl of baked beans & rice . Lmao  I find it hard to believe man could live / thrive on those types of foods centuries ago . Or for that matter trying to eat them in their original forms, before they had gotten processed - to be eatable ??? No I don't follow the 5:2 diet, but I agree with Mosley that fasting is good for your body . My opinion you didn't debunk anything or anyone . Go forage for those foods in the wild, see if you can sustain health or even eat this way Some would say I'm a troll, but the title to your video is what made me click on it :(


Saved and shared. You are the best, as always! Your knowledge here on YouTube has loterally changed my life. So thank you.


As Harley has said. People love hearing good things about their bad habits


If you're wondering about the researcher who has had a lot of influence on Mosley's diet, his name is Valter Longo.
