LEGO CLASSIC 1960s TV Series BATMOBILE (76328) Review

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Here is my review of the recently released LEGO 76328: Classic TV Series Batmobile. I consider 5 areas when reviewing current LEGO sets, being: - building techniques, building experience, minifigures, overall aesthetics, and value before giving the set a percentage score out of 100.

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Apologies for the lighting in this video. It was one disaster after another. From software crashing to microphones exploding - if it could go wrong, it did go wrong! Hopefully you'll enjoy this channel's first ever review regardless!


Interesting build. Honestly pretty soon there'll be a Lego set for everything. I can't wait for the eventual island of Dr Moreau


Holy bricks Glen, that looks awesome! Love the cheesily labelled gadgets, I'm far too young to have seen its original run but I love the silly style of the 60s Batman show.


Great video! A really good overview of an iconic Batman vehicle. I totally agree with you on the stickers, especially the plaque. That should be printed.

Also just a suggestion, if you are accepting them… you might want to consider shooting or encoding your videos at a slightly higher resolution. I watch most of my content on TV and unfortunately your channel seems to be rendering in quite low resolution. I don’t mind and will continue to tune in, but it might be hurting your overall retention.

Anyhow, keep up the great work! Cheers.


Try emailing Lego and see if they can send you a new sticker sheet. Good job on your review!


Me Wantee... Gorgeous looking set!
Disappointing lack of Robin, but I honestly want TWO of these...
One to display and one to mod!


Wow, I love the details! Like, how cool is that Mobile Crime Computer??


Just a SwitchUp subscriber here to support some great hobbies from the hardworking Gents there. This looks neat! Cheers Glen


I always love when you build the frame then finally start to see the details coming out. The seats were very unique in my opinion as well. I do wish there was a Robin minifig. Like you said they were a duo for the whole show. Just a small thing but there is an outline of where the brick pieces go but the color they choose was wrong. Could barely see it most of the time


This set looks absolutely awesome. Potentially swap this for my unopened Bugatti Chiron 75878 set?


Suggestion, The Legend of Zelda Tree of Time (?) set. I watch a gamer build it on Twitch. The Mario Lego sets were controversial for their prices, but the Zelda Tree set is just cool (but I think it’s $300). Minecraft Lego are another set I think add a lot of imagination to a build. Video game Lego sets are super cool to me.


Hi Glen. Have you got the tumbler bag mobile? Wondered if you wanted that to compare? I have it complete and bagged up if you need it.


Not sure which se to get next. I've got the 1st version Camper VW Van, The De lorean, the Porsche 911, The Ford GT, The Saturn V, The Apollo 11, The Concorde, and a bunch of Speed champs (old and newer versions). Im starting to feel that it gets harder to find sets thats not so toy...ish (if you know what I mean). I really like this Batman car, but Ive also looked at the Ghostbuster ECTO1, but that looks a bit more lie a toy. Which other sets do you recommend that I could proudly have on my shelfes?Im mostly looking for larger sets, not speed champions etc. Thanks! =D
