Prisoner reentry and why we should care | IN 60 SECONDS

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In the United States, over two-thirds of people who leave prison find themselves behind bars again within three years. AEI Resident Fellow Gerard Robinson explores a program in Texas that has been a major success in keeping former inmates out of prison and reintegrating them into society.

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In Canada there's hardly any staff to keep inmates educated and nothing teaching them to be productive. It's a massive problem, especially in Ontario.


Amazing, expungement, funding to pay housing, trade school


Education and integration seems to be a key issue, it saddens me when I see library funds or staff being cut.


This should also happen BEFORE they go to jail so we could curb the problem at the root causes, not only patch up the symptoms.


They should offer those courses in high school. High school didn;t teach me anything about how the real world works.


Investing in the people is hard for many in control of policy to hear. They only look good when they keep the budgets down. Yet so much evidence-based research shows that the earlier programs and support reach people the more likely they are to not enter the justice system as adults.
Moving away from the old school traditional style of policing and incarceration has been a positive move in the right direction. However, it remains to be seen if our federal, state, and local government will support the research by investing in the people. This would meet they would need to commit now for the results to be seen in the decades to come.


If we do all that, can I go to prison?


Well this is new.... Since when do conservatives care about our our criminal justice system?


Maybe do a talk about why (baby) male circumcision is wrong, yet it's not being told to parents by hospitals?
