Countries with The Longest School Days

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Hello, and welcome to the Data Comparison video series! In this video, we'll be comparing data from around the world on a range of topics. We hope you enjoy it! This video made for only peoples who know English language #usa
#hopecomparison #hopecomparison #comparison
In this video, I compare the number of hours students spend at school per year versus their performance in math, reading and science on the PISA international educational assessments. I then display results in an interactive map.
During the first week back in school, I compiled a list of countries with the longest school days in the world. To my surprise, not all countries are created equal. In fact, some countries have school days that are more than three times as long!
So which country has the longest school day? Are you surprised? School-it can be fun, or it can transform into a drag. But if you're going to have to have school, wouldn't you at least like if it was only 2 or 3 hours per day? In this video I count down the countries with the longest school days out of 22 countries around the world and cover some other surprising facts.
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What would your life be like if you spent more than six hours per day at school? How about a full 12 -or more- hours per day in class. That's exactly what these countries do. I compiled a list of some of the countries with the longest school days, as well as some of their statistics, and while they're certainly not doing it wrong- they're also definitely not doing it right (although some have higher test scores than the US).
While the U.S. ranks 11th on the list of countries with the longest school year, it is still the fourth most popular destination for international students who flock to our shores hoping to capture opportunities that are not available in other countries where they live. The reasons for wanting to attend school in the United States vary quite a bit from student to student, but one thing all of them can agree on is that, no matter how much time they will spend at school every day, it will be worth their while when it comes to learning and growing.
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#hopecomparison #hopecomparison #comparison
In this video, I compare the number of hours students spend at school per year versus their performance in math, reading and science on the PISA international educational assessments. I then display results in an interactive map.
During the first week back in school, I compiled a list of countries with the longest school days in the world. To my surprise, not all countries are created equal. In fact, some countries have school days that are more than three times as long!
So which country has the longest school day? Are you surprised? School-it can be fun, or it can transform into a drag. But if you're going to have to have school, wouldn't you at least like if it was only 2 or 3 hours per day? In this video I count down the countries with the longest school days out of 22 countries around the world and cover some other surprising facts.
Check this my videos also :
What would your life be like if you spent more than six hours per day at school? How about a full 12 -or more- hours per day in class. That's exactly what these countries do. I compiled a list of some of the countries with the longest school days, as well as some of their statistics, and while they're certainly not doing it wrong- they're also definitely not doing it right (although some have higher test scores than the US).
While the U.S. ranks 11th on the list of countries with the longest school year, it is still the fourth most popular destination for international students who flock to our shores hoping to capture opportunities that are not available in other countries where they live. The reasons for wanting to attend school in the United States vary quite a bit from student to student, but one thing all of them can agree on is that, no matter how much time they will spend at school every day, it will be worth their while when it comes to learning and growing.
#compare #comparecountries #country #countries #day #days #longest #education #school #educationcountries#countrieswiththelongestschoolday #countrieswiththelongestschooldays #school #daycountries #countrieswiththelongestschoolday #student #longest #school #schoolday #primaryschool #middleschool #highschool #primary #middle #high #countries #countrieswithlongestschooldays #countrieswithshorterschooldays #compare #comparecount