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Drill a WELL in YOUR BACKYARD YOURSELF in a day with basic tools. Step by step of how I did it & you can too . FREE water for lawns, gardening, household use & more. You will not believe how easily this can be done & low cost.

All Parts & Tools:

Well Parts:

Well Tools:

Before you dig be sure to call dig safe or your local authority to mark out any lines or other potential hazards that could be underground.

Water Resources:
Also search on groundwwater for your state, local resources are the MOST helpful

Due to factors beyond the control of Silver Cymbal, I cannot guarantee against improper use or unauthorized modifications of this information. Silver Cymbal assumes no liability for property damage or injury incurred as a result of any of the information contained in this video. Use this information at your own risk. Silver Cymbal recommends safe practices when working on machines and or with tools seen or implied in this video. Due to factors beyond the control of Silver Cymbal, no information contained in this video shall create any expressed or implied warranty or guarantee of any particular result. Any injury, damage, or loss that may result from improper use of these tools, equipment, or from the information contained in this video is the sole responsibility of the user and not Silver Cymbal.
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This might work at 1:100 ratios. In my extensive drilling experience, sometimes we need to chase that water 100 feet down or more. Not often can you find it so shallow, and if it is that shallow the next concern might be ground contamination. This video makes it seem very simple but please, don't underestimate the power of performing proper due diligence and researching these things, folks.


It's absolutely crucial that you research water tables before you drive one of these, and find info for as close to your property as you can. Used to drill wells, my house has water at about 18' through mostly sandy ground. But only a dozen or so miles away you wouldn't hit water until you're 250' through bedrock.


You know, if you're pumping into a bucket, you can hang the bucket right on the pump. That's specifically what those indents in the front of the pitcher pump are for.


Helped my Dad dig out and drive down one of these sand points. We used both a fence post driver and sludge hammer. It was most rewarding to see the water finally come out of it.


This is the kind of stuff they should be teaching us in school.


Boy oh boy, does this take me back to my childhood. My grandparent's cottage in central Wisconsin used sand point wells. Where he lived the screens on the points would get coated with a lime deposit that would harden like cement. Every second year we had to use a hydrologic jack to pull the well up. Then we took a wire brush to remove this cement like buildup. Unfortunately, the next year, the 3rd year, we would have to replace the point because the buildup could no longer be cleaned off the outside. My cousins, brothers and I would see who could knock the well down the farthest in 10-minute intervals. Many years later my grandfather learned if he used a point with a larger screen, he did not get this water blocking lime build up. We too used a short length of pipe with the drive cap on it to protect each section of pipe. My grandfather also made his own well driver that slid over the top of the pipe that we would lift then drop. This made the wells go down quickly and saved many sledgehammer handles!


Yes I'd like to see Electric Pump added to well...This was a great video, exactly what I needed to see, I need to install one, but I want the electric pump on it..Thanks, love your videos.


There's something nice about the idea of having well water in your yard any time you want.


My Granpa took a heavy 4" pipe, capped it, welded handles on to the sides and dropped it on to the pipe. Old man knew what he was doing.


My fam installed one 20 Years ago in our garden and it still works pretty fine.... We use it every summer


MOST IMPORTANT TIP call in to your local underground utility locator. You don't want to go and tap a well through your sewer, septic or power.


Your sledgehammer accuracy is impressive. I'm sure I would have had a broken shin by the third section of pipe!


Most of our wells in Colorado are 300 to 600 ft deep, I guess I'm going to need a bigger sledgehammer


One would honestly be surprised at how much water there really is under ground. This video reminds me of Water Wells for Africa which in my personal opinion is the best and most thorough organization for providing those most in need of water with clean and free sources. I know the head of the charity personally. He's a really nice and humble man living here in California, and a pastor also. They've already dug 57 wells this year alone and each one is already creating unimaginable impact. I mean, disease outbreaks just stop completely in these villages that receive clean sources of water. It's beautiful.


Tip: put one pipe wrench on the lower pipe and one on the upper pipe, the coupling will tighten up in between trust me. Saves a second tighten process for each coupling.


This is awesome!
I live in FL so I probably don’t even need to go that deep.
As a kid I dug a big ass hole with a friend for fun and we hit water.. probably only about 10-12ft down. (Yes. A couple of 12yos got bored and dug a giant hole. I loved the book Holes and was curious how hard it actually was to dig a hole a shovel length deep and wide. Once it got big we just kept digging! Lmao ) We planned to make a fort, but almost died instead. We were in the hole and it started raining, and the way we would get out was usually running up the wall and grabbing a steel bar at the top (we ran a steel bar across the middle of the top as a pulley and to rest cardboard for shade.) or boosting and then lifting. We had no ladder. So it started to rain, we couldn’t run up the wall, we were too slippery to grab and lift each other and the hole was rapidly caving in and filling with heavy mud.
We did the most risky thing in my entire life and agreed to not leave each other behind and if one of us died, not to blame ourselves or each other. We knew it was a very bad idea. We had no choice.
We started pulling the walls down, and jumping on top of the dirt, pull and crawl… pull and crawl… We had to time it properly or one of us would get knocked down and stuck. We essentially just caused it to cave in much faster so we could climb our way out. But it was essentially quicksand and we would use each other as a raft. I’d grab a portion of wall, pull it down and cause a cave in, mush it into a pile and lay on it, my friend would put his knee on my back, reach up behind us and pull it down, help me up, I’d be behind him now, he would pull the wall, lay on it, I’d step on him… etc. all while trying to “jump” to not sink. If you stopped hopping or “walking” for even a second, you’d start sinking. It basically looked like two drowning boys humping in a mud hole but we didn’t care. We knew it was life or death.
My friend started to have an asthma attack and his inhaler was long gone.. by this point our shoes got sucked off and buried, his shorts were gone… it was a mess. We got the pole down, but we couldn’t make it span the gap again, so we leaned it diagonally… messing with the pole was making us sink.. I jammed it diagonally and he couldn’t breathe so he pushed me up the pole and I literally had to step on his face to push myself up. I got up top, grabbed the short shovel with the handle and pulled him out.
I was naked except for a single sock, he had underwear and a tank top on and was barely breathing through his bloody nose (from my foot. My bad.) and it literally stopped raining almost immediately.
We lay there on the ground for probably 20+ minutes while he caught his breath. I held his hand and and told him one of his favorite stories from my childhood in Jamaica and he finally calmed down. (Yeah.. a naked boy and a boy in his underwear laying in mud holding hands in the woods seems weird, but I’d do anything for my best friend. He was severely traumatized and turning blue. I had lung cancer and couldn’t run, and hurt my leg getting out. It was together or nothing for us.)
We sat up, he gave me his shirt as a makeshift loin cloth, and we walked the 15mins or so back to civilization and to his house for a backup inhaler and showers.
Damn I wish we had cellphones back then… sheesh.

Not sure how a simple comment turned into a weird story of childhood trauma and bonding, but there.
That’s my story. He’s still my best friend 15 years later. Even if we don’t talk for long periods we both know we would do anything for each other. Going through trauma, my cancer and a bunch of other stuff made us close. Sam is a good dude.


Put a ball valve just below the pump and you will only have to prime it once a season. Remove before frost. Open the valve before pumping and shut it right after stopping and it will hold the water in the column.


Really interesting video. It's worth noting that fence post drivers are widely available in almost any feed store in the west, it must be because we have so much more barbed wire out here. The water table is so deep in our area that I won't ever try this method, but I loved the content.


I’d recommend cementing the top few feet and a platform on top of the ground. This will stabilize the whole pipe and keep it from bending in the lose dirt and potentially working itself free over time.


Your daughter did amazing.
Good job helping dad there kiddo.
