Why buying a Windows Laptop is a HUGE Mistake in 2021..

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After 3 changes that have happened in the last 6 months, here's why buying most windows laptop is a huge mistake in 2021!

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He said "this isn't going to be me saying just buy an M1 MacBook instead". Then he says "Just buy an M1 Mac instead"


It’s really frustrating when videos like this spend 3 minutes talking before getting to the point. Like school essays needing to bulk out the word count 😩


I literally waited the whole video for him to talk about Windows laptops...youknow... like the title claims. Instead I just got a 10min long Apple advertisement.


Change title to „ Do not buy a new Intel Laptop, buy my used one instead!“ 🤣


Not sure why everyone saying Macbook Air M1 is the best just the fact that you can only plug in one external monitor is a deal breaker for any serious developer. The fact that you can not upgrade even the SSD makes it even worse. Maybe in the Macbook Pro they'll get it right and give us TB4 with 2+ external displays and an M.2 slot otherwise its just hardware waiting for the landfill.


Soldered storage on the M1 is the main NO NO in the M1 Macbook. Just don't. If your SSD dies, your laptop will, too.


It’s nice when you can just get whatever has the best performance every year, which as we all know, EVERYONE just has a couple grand per person laying around every single year to do so.


Before M1: when looking for a new laptop, go for a Windows laptop like the Dell XPS, unless if you need MacOS.

After M1: if you need a new laptop, buy a MacBook, like the MacBook Air, unless if you need Windows.

Edit: Parallels was updated to where you can run Windows on a M1 MacBook. So if you need a new laptop, buy a MacBook, like the MacBook Air, unless if you can’t afford it.

Edit 2: I acknowledge that that Windows via Parallels is obviously not as good compared to having a dedicated Windows machine, I was mostly joking. But still, I stand with my main point that the MacBook Air is the default option for a computer.


Gaming on a Mac is very limited so for now I'll stick with Windows and AMD for my laptops.


Bought an XPS 17 last month with 4K display and it's awesome. And I have a Macbook Air M1 also. I appreciate both. Your portrayal of windows laptops is biased - you need to climb out of Tim Cook's pocket.


For developers Linux is still the best option. And although M1 Macs are amazing machines, but Windows still hold the edge of versatility. You can do anything on Windows that you can do on Macs and extra. The only Windows not worth buying right now are the one with Intel. AMD based Windows laptops are killing it too.


Let me give you some reasons to buy WIndows laptops in 2021:
1. User upgradable(This means you can buy a lower storage/ram model and upgrade it for cheap by urself)
2. More choices(You can choose from the super powerful ones to the amazing battery life ones)
3. Linux support (Many windows laptops come with native Linux support, which means, you can dual boot Linux with windows if you want access to the Linux terminal or any other features)
4. Price (Windows laptops come at variety of prices, so you can choose the one which is perfect for your needs at that price.)
5. Gaming (This is a specific one, but gaming on a mac is like eating a pineapple pizza)
6. More performance (If you choose a ryzen 5000 or 4000 series CPU, you are more likely to get more performance than any Mac out there)
7. Better/More software (Windows has wayyy more apps available than MacOS, and due to M1, the number of native apps has only decreased.)
8. More reliable long term use (Since windows laptops are more user upgradable and can be dual booted, even after 5 to 6 years you can upgrade the specs of your laptop or install Linux on it to make it super snappy, both of which do not exist on a Mac)
9. More freedom (Since you are not restricted to only one manufacturer, when purchasing a new laptop you can choose the one you need at that time not that one you are forced to upgrade to by the manufacturer)


I work in Financial services. I made the mistake of getting an Apple. Most of the professional software tools for the industry didn’t work coz they were designed for windows and I had to get someone to emulate windows (major pain in the ass) to run the software…which then stopped working as soon as there were updates. Stay away from Macs unless you’re a graphic designer


As an IT student, virtualization is very important. Also, I despise MacOS. Even from my time using it via KVM. Plus, I refuse to give Apple even a cent. So no, I won't buy a Mac, ever


This sounds like some really awful M1 Macbook marketing. For my work flow, I'd never move to a Mac and I don't believe in laptops having everything soldered to the board because that can result in problems (especially if you get a fucked up one per motherboard lottery). I've also saw a lot of Louis Rossman's videos which has exposed the flaw in Apple design.

Given that, I'm sticking with Windows for the foreseeable future. But nice job on the free Apple marketing.

And ARM will still take time to be viable.


The world still need windows laptop as competition, otherwise Apple will be lazy and stop making improvement.


I love how all these reason have nothing to do if you need windows. I love my 16in Mac book but there are still a ton of apps that I can’t run without windows and virtualization on laptops (and in general) isn’t always the solution. Gaming was thrown in right at the end (but most of the windows laptops mentioned weren’t gaming machines anyway).


I have more nonsensical catchy titles for you (clickbait mode on):

"Why buying food at the supermarket is a HUGE mistake in 2021?"
"Why drinking water while you're thirsty is a HUGE mistake in 2021?"
"Why using toilet for cleaning your ass after number 2 is a HUGE mistake in 2021?"

Do they have any relation? yes, all of them share the same sense: none.

Emily Ramirez, we don't agree with you, sorry lol


"When Apple Sneezes, rest of the tech industry catches the cold"
