Antique Vintage Super Show, Deal Fields & Terrific Tents!

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This show is so vast, we had to go back to the van and regroup! I'm at Madison-Bouckville, New York for Antique Week, and there's thousands of dealers, most of whom I'll never get time to see. So I'm going with the flow, following Sandi @myflippingvanlife4437 , Jeremy @THETHRIFTINGTWINS and Dom @PrimeTimeTreasureHunter at random times as we explore what we can of this awesome opportunity to see and own nice antique and vintage goodness!

We're off to a good start, with more jewelry, Christmas goods, $1 ephemera and a few good surprises (someone finds a deal on an Andersen Studio piece)! We talk about what's hot and what seems forgotten, and sometimes take the chance that we see something in a piece that no one else has considered. But perhaps the deal not taken was one we might have done, as a fine Dresden porcelain owl is offered at a price that might seem high in some markets but perhaps low enough in others...

We carry on through another hard-to-leave offer at a space filled with real vintage soda fountain and store signs, discover true antique Quimper and Imari, buy a distinctive looking bowl that is just old enough to be vintage...there's still a few buys (and some amazing sirens and horns) to make this a really fun end to a huge show worth exploring more in future!


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Рекомендации по теме

Wow this place is huge and full of GREAT things to see. Loved the Wedgewood serving bowl and I seen a platter from Willow too. What really got me was the Fenton how beautiful. Thanks for taking me along with you. Have a great day and safe travels


I love the cobalt blue Blanco piece! A few weeks ago I was visiting my son in Atlanta. My son bought a violet Blanco for $3 at a Thrift Store! They did not know what they had!


Thank you George for the info you share😊


You look so good in a cowboy hat, George.


G string...😂
Enjoyed the video. Great info shared. Thanks, George.


I always see different things with you and the knowledge that you are teaching us is so wonderful you are a wonderful man George when I’m looking in my area I’m always looking for things that you have shown great show so many beautiful things hats off 😂to you 😊


What an amazing antique show.what a diverse collection. Please Stay Safe Happy and Healthy Have A Wonderful Day


Thank you George!! Great video as always! See u Wednesday!


Gaudi’s architecture is my absolute favourite design. Barcelona is an amazing city. xx


So funny to see the Cherry Ames books.I recently bought a couple and found them funny as I am an RN and how things have changed in Nursing!


So many items I haven’t seen before … amazing !
You look really good in a cowboy hat George . It really suits you .


Love the glasses and the attitude plus the hat .


Hi George 😊
Ready to learn and watch! ❤


Thank you for a lot of items I had not seen before!


So fun to shop along with you. Love the informative commentary delivered with personality 😁 Also fun to guess which hat will George try on today😂🤣


We'll have to make you an honorary cowboy here in Texas yeehaw!! 👍


The Stegmaier beer tray was from right here where I live in Wilkes Barre PA!


George, you can park your hat on my halltree anytime ❤
I just love your channel!


Good evening, George. Those cameos and portrait pins were really nice. A grouping of the framed in a shadowbox frame would be a good-looking wall art piece. Several of those teen mystery books interested me. I liked the rickety-looking boat in front of the Stegmeyr beer tray. The Goebel nun looked like the Mother Superior, in _The Sound of Music_ movie. Loved the lavender epergne. That Victorian plateau would look good with some Heisey on it. The Victorian marble-topped table, just past the violin strings, caught my eye. Those WPA houses really interested me. Those were fantastic! The three invalid feeders there were fancier than most I've seen. Were those bronzes or spelter statues next to the Dresden owl? I liked all of those. Mom used to have some of the Daguerreotypes, in the Union cases, but she sold them when we combined houses. I wish they were still here. There was a ton of stuff to see there. A lot of it really interested me, too. Thanks for taking us along!


How I would love to follow you around here in Maine and just listen to what you say about what you're seeing! The vastness of your knowledge is amazing!
