Why Employer-Sponsored Health Plans Do Not Change
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The #1 Reason Why Employer Sponsored Health Plans Do Not Change... Employers Are Satisfied.
The 2022 Kaiser Family Foundation Employee Benefits Survey Reported:
1) 87% of Employers are Satisfied with the QUALITY of healthcare for their health plan members.
2) 88% of Employers are Satisfied with the ACCESS to healthcare for their health plan members.
3) 66% of Employers are Satisfied with the COST of healthcare for their health plan members.
4) 76% of Employers are Satisfied with the ENGAGEMENT of their health plan members.
5) 82% of Employers are Satisfied with the PRIMARY CARE available to their health plan members.
According to the Technology Adoption Lifecycle, only the Early Adopter employers have a Mission and a Vision for their employee health plan. The rest of employers are largely reactive.
Therefore, in order for a disruptive healthcare startup to be successful, it needs to:
1) Identify Early Adopter employers that are 2) Self-Funded with a 3) Cost-Reduction Problem, having 4) a recent change in Top Executives AND the startup has a 5) Hyper-Polished Salesperson as one of the founders.
A 10X better product and value proposition will FAIL in the employer healthcare market unless the above segmentation and sales strategies are implemented.
AHealthcareZ is 200+ Healthcare Finance Educational Videos.
AHealthcareZ Viewers Include: Employee Benefits Professionals, HR, CFOs, Insurance Brokers, Benefits Consultants, Doctors and Nurses in Leadership Roles, Hospital and Health System Administrators, Health Insurance Carrier and PBM Professionals, Pharma and Med Device Professionals, Academic Professors and Students in Healthcare Administration and Public Health.
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The 2022 Kaiser Family Foundation Employee Benefits Survey Reported:
1) 87% of Employers are Satisfied with the QUALITY of healthcare for their health plan members.
2) 88% of Employers are Satisfied with the ACCESS to healthcare for their health plan members.
3) 66% of Employers are Satisfied with the COST of healthcare for their health plan members.
4) 76% of Employers are Satisfied with the ENGAGEMENT of their health plan members.
5) 82% of Employers are Satisfied with the PRIMARY CARE available to their health plan members.
According to the Technology Adoption Lifecycle, only the Early Adopter employers have a Mission and a Vision for their employee health plan. The rest of employers are largely reactive.
Therefore, in order for a disruptive healthcare startup to be successful, it needs to:
1) Identify Early Adopter employers that are 2) Self-Funded with a 3) Cost-Reduction Problem, having 4) a recent change in Top Executives AND the startup has a 5) Hyper-Polished Salesperson as one of the founders.
A 10X better product and value proposition will FAIL in the employer healthcare market unless the above segmentation and sales strategies are implemented.
AHealthcareZ is 200+ Healthcare Finance Educational Videos.
AHealthcareZ Viewers Include: Employee Benefits Professionals, HR, CFOs, Insurance Brokers, Benefits Consultants, Doctors and Nurses in Leadership Roles, Hospital and Health System Administrators, Health Insurance Carrier and PBM Professionals, Pharma and Med Device Professionals, Academic Professors and Students in Healthcare Administration and Public Health.
90,000+ Views Per Month Across All Platforms.
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