Jungle Tier List - Darius Era

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Go ahead and force it. I'll only surpass you when i don't use generic runes and force even greater speed from him.


Are you on drugs? Amumu is WAY faster than Blitzcrank and more sustained as well.


yeah I've been telling everyone about this for a week now.


Amumu has crazy clear speeds, especially with blue. His early game sustain is just fine since no matter if he has cloth5, boot3, or regrowth1. His ganks are amazing and it's hard to fall behind as a support jungler..

You on drugs man?


Hence why I called him a pubstomp. Plus you could just simply say in chat to the jungler, "Hey can you constantly gank top? I don't want Darius going out of control."


I feel like repeating myself, but I actually want to make something clear, since it also apprears to be general misconception reagrding terms. Pathing: If you truly think blue reliancy doesn't allow you to do other paths, you think too shallow. Maokai needs "setup phase" and is more locked to certain path after starting than most others. You also speak of terms, but don't actually explain how you understand them and what actually you are disagreeing with. Youtube comments don't have enough space


EXACTLY, BUFF TRUNDLE! love playing him but always seem to miss out on that last hit and never want to throw out those abilities becasue u know it means they will get away.

needs a minor slow on the ult or the q to apply a minor leap/gap closer like hecs leap to. nothing thats going to really change him but something to make him a little more attactive.. hes definitely not balanced... hes massively underplayed something needs to be changed.


Darius is an ok jungler, but is much worse when it comes to lane, I was playing with and against darius's all of today, that ulti is very very good, almost op, because its opportunistic, in a team battle when someone drops low, finish them off and repeat and stack kills for yourself and farm, plus it deals true damage which is ridiculous and even when you build tanky, his dmg output is ridiculous, you might disagree but this is from what i've seen so far.


You can never use tournament play as an example. Stonewall said it himself, just because someone is currently UU, like shyvanna sometimes, doesnt mean someone is better or worst. It just means it either goes with current metta or certain team comps. Additionally, tourney play is different from solo queue/etc. I''m not saying anyone is wrong, just saying that you cannot use that as a valid factor.


The thing is with Skarner, his damage and clear time is so much better than Maokai's. And Skarner's permanent slow is so much more effective than Maokai's suppress/tangle, whatever you want to call it. Unlike Skarner, Maokai falls off late game and just doesn't have the damage to do much. Sure Maokai is amazing for team fights, but if Skarner walks in, pulls their carry, its over. Skarner has the ability to single out their damage and destroy them with the help of his team in seconds.


Generic comment, but atleast it's longer than most so I'll explain it as I have undersood (and as can be read from the first row of text in stonewall's jungle tier list).
Stonewall's tier list doesn't account for "pick viablity", but individual jungle power. Things measured are listed in the spreadsheet also found in the link in the discription. Before arguing about "justifications", make sure you actually know what this tier list is about. Sorry if I misunderstood you. PM if such is the case.


Darius in my opinion is an ehh jungler (4.5/10) and an okay solo top (6or7/10). He has terrible cc, he IS NOT TANKY, and he has no sustain. His only redeeming feature is his godly damage and uber ultimate. Now depending on team comp on both yours and the enemies, he might be perfect but like TheOddOne said "... You won't see him in competitive play much because if he tries to get near the ad carry... He's better top lane."


I don't think Amumu should really be Tier 1. His early game sustain is pretty bad and his clear speed is fairly slow. His ganks are also limited in nature and it's very easy for him to fall behind.

Conversely, Blitzcrank clears the jungle a lot faster and safer and brings a lot more to the early/mid game.


rammus :( i started playing rammus because you said support junglers like would be good even if they had a bad early game and without items. you said his CC and innate tankiness would automatically make them more valuable in a tamfight and you were right. i love rammus ;_;


Skarner clears quickly, I agree, but he falls off much harder than Maokai. Mao is a much stronger tank with better CC. Skarner's only benefit is damage and that DOES fall off late. As for CC, Nautilus has basically the strongest CC in the game and Maokai has infinitely better in terms of CC pre 6 and only slightly worse after.

Skarner has better damage and clear time, but is worse in every other way so far as I can tell.


They also never nerfed Fiora to my knowledge, and everyone was complaining she was OP on release. Now she's considered meh even without any changes.


Warwick is absolutely useless pre-6. Scoring kills on WW pre-6 is more of an opportunity kill than an actual planned gank. Master Yi offers zero utility and if he falls behind is absolutely worthless.

Tier 1 junglers simply outclass them in farming, utility and in some cases (Lee Sin) even damage.


I love the new fiddle E, better to solo top and mid.

In the jungle the extra damage to minions helps on LvL 2 if your not getting fear for an early trap right after blue...

The jungling process still slow, got a bit beter now....but he still my favorite, ult with Zhonias and all that CC its amazing.


I don't understand how anyone could justify this tier list. Skarner, who hasn't been seen in high level play in months, is ranked higher than Maokai and Nautilus, two of the strongest CC junglers in the game? On what justification? Maokai and Nautilus are predictable as if Skarner isn't? Skarner is, after his "fix", easily as mana reliant as either of those two and is just worst at everything besides straight DPS, which no one builds on him anyway. There are so many things like that in this list


well i had many triple/quads with skarner when he was my main ( i was building him tanky ofc )but that is impossible with naut/mao. sure they have heavy cc and initaite very hard but afterwards they have cd on their cc and thats the thing what skarner not have, he has perma 40% slow on his q
