Common Core Math Introduction with Jenny Ruef

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GSE PhD student Jenny Ruef provides an introduction and insights on Common Core math in this video interview with KTVU's Lisa Yokota. Ruef is also an instructor in the Stanford Teacher Education Program (STEP). 8/25/14
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If someone doesn’t understand the previous method just explain to them that the carried one means one tens or one hundreds and just use the previous method, the latter method is just wasting time.


The common core method is understandable it’s jut that some of the questions don’t make sense. A example of this is 35+_=50. Of course the answer is 15 but they want the blank spot filled and there are two blank spots under that one of how you got that number. so the number in the equation is 15 but they want us to put 10 and 5 in the blanks below the 15. They don’t explain this on the page and parents just see blanks and are asking questions to the kids and the kids are just saying I don’t know or they don’t explain it very well. I break the problem down in my head the way common core does at times and this is why I am picking up what they are saying quickly. Because i solve the problem by reading it right to left. 35+5=40+10=50. So my problem isn’t really with the math it’s how it’s presented with blanks where the +_•\ symbols go with two numbers and it says solve the problem but it doesn’t give you the answer or indicate in a question my means of a hint as to what the proper step would be. The kids ask there parents and the parents don’t know and have to search on the internet of how to try and help there kids. If you are going to implement a drastic change to a program it should not be done immediately from one generation to the next. They should show it like the old way and the new one then the older generation can help he newer generation on there homework as well as prepare those kids to help the future generation.


How can they say math is not universal throughout US. Adding, subtracting, all math is the same. No-one is going to the grocery store and use this. You explain carrying the one over is because it goes in the tens column. Schools are falling behind in math and I can see why!


That's bullshit. Nobody teaches an algorithm without explaining why. Absolutely NO ONE who does the old way does not know how it works.


It seems like the Eastern world’s methods of solving math. Yes it is more difficult for simple problems however the methods are useful for more complicated problems. Yes it will take a student longer to do a simple problem as illustrated by this video but when the problem is 7 or more places it will be much more expedient.
I don’t like the NWO agenda however this seems a sound method. * note I have not explored this beyond a few examples.
