Three-Minute Video Explaining the Common Core State Standards

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This three-minute video explains how the Common Core State Standards will help students achieve at high levels and help them learn what they need to know to get to graduation and beyond.
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This video looks so nice and explains a lot if you've never been taught under common core. Literally just empty statements on "making sure your child can achieve" and other nice things. Anyone who struggled through convoluted explanations of simple math knows.


This video tells me absolutely nothing about Common Core. This should be titled "Three-Minute Video Selling the Common Core State Standards". Because that's all this video is. An attempt to advertise it.


Ok, so, to explain to me what Common Core is, I was shown a few math problems. Math is my strength - I became an accountant (not because accounting uses math - it doesn't, it only uses arithmetic out of math - but because it uses the same type of thinking) and I had problems solving them. In essence, as far as math goes, Common Core requires students to take extra steps in solving easy problems, making everything more complicated than it should be. This video mentions none of that!


Common Core crushes individuality and creativity. While in school, I was taught several different ways to approach a problem and then given the choice to pick which one worked for me, or maybe I'd do a combination to check my work. This is the opposite of how Common Core works. Common Core schools are a factory, not a learning environment.


This video prompted me to start the process of exploring the possibility of home schooling my child.


I highly doubt an A in Seattle equates to a C in Chicago


It seems to me that this whole common core thing is based on creating a globally standardized education system and competition.


While I disagree with many of the statements in this video, I've got to give the creators credit for creating an interesting video that appears to be will done. Common Core certainly has its issues, but since it is what most States have selected as their curriculum, we will be able to see how Common Core impacts the overall education of students all across the country in the long run. Teachers and students/parents are adapting to the required standards, so hopefully our students will be able to compete in a competitive world.


this seems so stupid, why all the focus on metrics and how well a body of students are seen, on a community level?? teaching should be about a student's own progress, there is no cookie cutter method to teaching.. jesus christ, this reminds me of pink floyd's the wall.. good job


If common core works so well, why are so many states considering getting rid of it?


OH MY WORD! Whoever subtitled this video needs common core standards being touted! I can't stop focusing on how horrible they are!


this is the worst educational system i've ever heard of


The standards for a high school senior will be the same for an LA kid in 12th grade as a kid in Shanghai- in third grade.


From this video I have deducted one thing. Common core was made so that everybody is one the same level as one another and let me tell u that is unacceptable. We can't have a society where one scientist is as smart as the other because when that scientist can't figure out a problem then no one would be able to because every other scientist is as smart as that one. Also you can't throw someone below level into the position to where they are average that is terrible and would come with too much stress for said person. Also, what students with mental disabilities? There are only two solutions to that problem and that is either to force kids with special need to slow their learning down so they can be one the same level as that person or the special needs kid would have to jump up to a considerably average level. Competition is what fuels society. If we remove that, then what would we be as a country?


If you're setting a standard on education throughout the nation it isn't about holding anyone back, it's about setting an equal line for academic success. It's about ensuring that students moving from one state to another don't get set up in confusion or being held back because their new state has much higher standards than their previous states. In my personal experience I initially struggled when moving from SC to NC, because especially in math NC was ahead by about a grade level.


Wow! This video is exactly like public education under Common Core. I sat through the whole thing, and still learnt nothing!


This says absolutely nothing about what common core actually is. This is simply a sales pitch to make you feel good about destroying our children's ability to do simple task. My daughter has been struggling with school. When I sat down and watched her try to do a simple subtraction problem I stopped her, gave her a 10 second lecture on how to do REAL math, and she was done with the entire page in the time it would take her to do one problem. Common core is abysmal!


James Livingston made a good point that education and teaching should be focused on the students progress.


I don't know what the future holds but based on our current preps, one of my lessons for this year is to help the students learn how to research articles online and teach students how to disseminate the information between fact and opinion. Then help them structure a good persuasive essay based on the texts they choose. The articles should be related to history, science, english, etc (CC subjects). This lesson is built around what we are told is CC. Of course, I can't speak for anyone else.


Thank you for this video. I strongly disagree with the idea but the video explained it pretty well.
