State of AI in Analytics | Will AI be the End of Data Analysts?

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A lot of Data Analysts are worried right now about the future of Analytics due to AI. To be honest, it's pretty understandable.

In this video I'm going to talk about everything concerning AI as it pertains to Analytics. The good, the bad, and where I think it will be in 5+ years.

I understand this is a sensitive topic and not everyone is going to agree with my viewpoint, but hopefully this will open up a discussion around these things where we can dive into it more as a community.

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0:00 Intro
6:18 Negatives of AI for Data Analysts
16:20 Positives of AI for Data Analysts
27:42 Predictions of AI in Analytics in the Future
56:48 What to do if you're starting out
1:02:00 Vegetable of the Week
1:03:45 Random Jibberish

*All opinions or statements in this video are my own and do not reflect the opinion of the company I work for or have ever worked for*
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Jalapeños! I spent 33 years in IT, starting as a COBOL programmer on mainframe systems. After Covid, I decided I want to start in data analytics.
The biggest problem is whenever a new technology comes out, management goes nuts trying to use the new tech for everything. Managers want to show they have used the new tech to their bosses, even if the final product is clumsy and inefficient. I'm remembering XML in the early 2000's. A great tool when used as intended. I saw data being stored in XML format on database systems and blowing storage space out of the water, only because somebody wanted to get a bigger bonus showing they used the new tech.
The hardest obstacle I see is for entry-level analysts is hiring managers believing AI can do their job, forgetting every mid-level and senior analyst had to start somewhere.


Hey Alex! Great insights. I personally believe that companies who solely rely on AI to do their analytics for them and base their business decision making on that, will not go far. Earlier you said that companies will hire people to verify AI’s responses, which I personally think would just be data analysts. I think AI is just another tool to help analysts make better business decisions. It can help debug your code and even give you code to automate things which would make you, the analyst, more proficient at your job because you have more time now to clean your data and visually represent it.


Jalapeños! I use chatgpt to solve errors in coding, got rid of writing emails on my own..., so it's positive for me and I'm taking it easy because it's already too much happening in one year like neither to sleep on it nor to get anxious about it. I'm really excited to use your platform soon. Never been more excited than hearing Alex The Analyst releasing the program of our dreams. I'll read every Newsletter and every lesson will be given. Congratulations!


As a Software engineer I probably in a riskier spot, my job responsibilities are almost tailor made for AI. But, I am optimistic about it, I did a lot of research on prompt engineering. I finally have a legit reason to dive in machine learning and NLPs. I share your optimism jalapenos


🌶 I used to be an English teacher and private tutor, who realised that my modus operandi of solving problems was exactly like a data analyst. I've been working on my Google Analytics Professional Cert and already saved your playlists to create my portfolio once I'm done with that. I'm really glad you brought up the negatives that I and many others may have had, but also the reassurances behind the human role of a data analyst. AI is definitely a tool that will be the way of the future and it's something everyone should pay attention to. Thanks Alex!


Great analysis Alex! I completely agree with everything you said. I really don't see how these AIs would replace the role of a data analyst. These AIs cannot perform at its optimal level without the guidance of a data analyst. I don't see a world where someone with no knowledge of analytics would analyse a complex data using these AIs. In my opinion, these AIs are here to make the job of a data analyst faster, easier and more proficient. It is unthinkable how fast an analyst can write complex codes with the help of ChatGPT unlike before when they would try to get help from platforms like Stack Overflow etc.


Jalapeno, thank you so much for this video. I have been a network engineer for 18 years. I am currently working on transitioning to Data Analyst. I believe that we have to be flexible enough to keep growing with our field or be left behind.


Thanks, Alex. I genuinely do. I just got involved in the Data Analysis field as a way to get tools to get a better job here in USA. I got a degree in accounting and worked in that field for over 15 years, in my home land, and your words about the chances that I will have given me the hope to keep learning and working for a better future for me and my family.


Jalapeños! I literally start my learning journey with career foundry on Monday in data analytics. Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge, thoughts and your journey with all of us.


It's going to have its place in most established mature tech companies, but the non tech companies can barely open an xlsm file without freaking out about permissions. We in tech forget there are a lot of industries still struggling to implement technology released 2 decades ago.


Jalapeños!!! Recent grad here last week and I have been interested in data analytics since learning about it in coursework. This is good information thank


Jalapeño 🔥🔥🔥 Thank you for all the work you put into your videos and helping your entire community.


Thank you for your thoughts on AI Alex, I do feel relieved after being in a state on confusion for a while about having a career in Data analytics this video helped me get some perspective.


I completely agree Alex. I am in school right now for software development, and I have been wanting to pursue data analytics (thanks to you lol). I have been really scared about tech layoff's and AI taking over, but you have brought me a bit of comfort. Thank you for being honest. I think that AI will be a great tool for us to use.


🌶️🌶️🌶️Thank for the amazing insight!!
I’m transitioning out of accounting after 10 years.
I think the adaptability of the individual in the industry they enter/ are involved to leverage their AI knowledge will be a huge “success factor” for all levels of experience.

So excited to learn from your website and content. I’m transitioning out of accounting into Data Analysis in the next year and am too grateful for you teaching!


Jalapeño! I just became a business analyst one year ago and this video is very informative and insightful


Thank you so much for this video. This was a persistent concern at the back of my mind while I was working on my Google Analytics Certification, making me wonder if it was worth it. Your video has given me the much needed motivation.


My takeaway thoughts from you would be that AI will still need human intervention or at least supervision in order for it to complete an assigned task. Therefore it can only help us to ease out some of the complexity of the task but we still need to verify the accuracy of the result.
Moving forward, I appreciate your effort in sharing this kind of information with everyone.


Alex you're doing an amazing job. Appreciate it man 🙌


I feel touched, i have listened from the beginning to the end. I have learned that facing the evoltion to adapt but not dodge, moreover, the essensial solid foundation can always be the best thing we(I) can do.
