Global Rainfall

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This visualisation shows a selection of severe weather events associated with extreme rainfall (precipitation) during July, August, September and October 2004, using information provided by the DAPACLIP project.

The DAPACLIP (Global DAily Precipitation Analysis for the validation of medium-range CLImate Predictions) project uses daily data from satellites as well as weather station data to create a combined daily global precipitation dataset.

The Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) aggregates weather station data from different sources into a common database. A global gridding procedure is then applied to produce quality-controlled daily precipitation values.

Over the ocean, satellite data provided by the EUMETSAT SAF for Climate Monitoring (CM SAF) is used to derive the precipitation fields. The retrieval was based on the "Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and Fluxes from Satellite Data" set (HOAPS) - and used passive microwave data from the SSM/I (Special Sensor Microwave Imager) on board polar-orbiting satellites.

The product shown here is an experimental dataset that is produced within the MiKlip (Mittelfristige Klimaprognosen / Decadal climate predictions) project and will be used to evaluate decadal climate predictions. The period from 1988 to 2008 is currently covered by the dataset. A planned extension will use additional satellite data for improved spatio-temporal coverage over the ocean.

The audio commentary is by Mark Higgins, a trainer and educator at EUMETSAT.

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Hi, Awesome project! May I know what framework you use to build this UI to show your data? Thank you so much.
