Attention All Preppers: Are You Having Serious Anxiety Over Recent Events? Do Not Panic!

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Are recent headlines causing you a little bit of anxiety? Is the future looking a little bit uncertain and frightening? Is the fear of emerging events like a crashing economy, food shortages, war, and natural disasters stealing joy out of your life? This video is for you!

We challenge you to join us as we plant our WWIII Survival Garden. Take control of your food security regardless of the challenges in our future by growing some of your own food.

You can bless our community by sending us pictures or videos of your WWIII Survival Garden. We would love to learn from your successes and your mistakes. Help us as we all learn together how to grow our own food at home.

Biointensive Victory Gardens: Higher Yields with Less Work

Best Strategies for Growing a Reliable Survival Garden

How to Grow an Indoor Survival Garden

We Survived on Food Storage and Garden Produce for 90 Days

A special thanks to those who contributed photos to today’s video! You guys are part of the solution!

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For those that know the Bible, they know this has all been prophesied. We are concerned but we are not in anxiety.


No panicing but it is motivating me to double check and fill holes in my preps. Also praying a lot!


I am trying to stay calm. I started doing what Brad from Full Spectrum Survival says. “Do your chores, prep and then go have fun.” So that’s what we are doing. We did our chores. We just bought more preps. Later we are going to a spaghetti dinner fundraiser at a local church. I am finding since I am following what Brad said I am not as stressed. Keep on prepping everyone. Be safe!


I got my first harvest today, tomato, green pepper, green beans
Small but exciting.


I absolutely love this video. We can survive and live healthy lives on so much less than we think. We grew up here in the Caribbean on very little and we always cooked food from scratch. We were never hungry and we always shared whatever we had. My mom lived to the age of 100 years and she passed away in her right mind. For those of us who believe in God we know the power of prayer so we do not throw our hands in the air but when we get lemons we make lemonade and give thanks always!


Beautifully said. Loved "God is in charge". Thank you for all you guys share. I am new as a prepper (just stared 3 months ago), not panicking.


The one thing I’ve started doing to reduce my stress and anxiety is to stop watching the news so much.
Taking a walk and breathe.
I thank God for each day of life and the many gifts he “showers” me with.
Even the smallest of things that sometimes we take for granted.
And let me tell you, it works!!!
Praise God !!


I was feeling the stress and the brain was getting a swirly and wouldn't shut down. So, I turned off ALL communication devises phones, tablets, even left a note on the door. Then I took 2.5 days of LOW information input. Took some soup, ... off the shelves, picked out a couple Fiction books... So I ate without work or mess, I read and listened to music, napped, started a second round of seed to sprout.... At the end I turned things on Slowly. I feel much more "normal" not so squirrel on a treadmill.
Thanks guys. You are much appreciated.


Thank you for this video! I've been struggling on and off from anxiety/fear from seeing all of these things happening, and encouragements from Christians like you have been very helpful! It was timely and much needed :) Thank you for all the work you both do!!! Love from Sydney, Australia.


You guys are like a breath of fresh air! I enjoy watching your channel and have tuned out a lot of other prepper channels I used to enjoy because they all seem to be preying on our fears for subscribers. Thank you for your message of positivity. 🙏


Thank you for making this. Watching the news makes your head want to spin. Be prepared not scared. Love your channel.


Thank you for your voices of reason. God bless.


Thanks for the wise advise. This year I've got the largest garden with the most variety I have ever had and it does feel good to know that I am doing what little I can and after almost 80 years of living, I know that when I do that, somehow things usually work out pretty good


Years ago, my mother gave me a small gift. It was a plaque, 2" X 4" in size. On it she had hand-painted a lily, adding the words from the sermon on the mount, "consider the lilies".
When I think about the chaos going on around the world, I remember that tiny plaque my mom gave to me.
I take comfort knowing I have a good friend who has my back.


Great video. Thank you for inspiring me to become a Prepper. I just started my channel and uploaded my first video. You’re one of my favorite Preppers.


Great message! Yes, have faith and try to be cheerful.


I'm growing carrots in a bucket inside. Spring onions are doing great.
Warning my group to stock up. Planning. Etc.


WWlll victory garden! Love it! Keep showing your positive attitude. Its contagious.


Well said.

Being disabled I have enough issues that can negatively impact my daily life and my mental health, so I have learnt to shed the things I can't control. I seriously re-thought my food security last year, and I'm so glad I did! Here in the UK there has been a serious shortage of spring crops of foods like tomatoes, cucumbers, and lettuce... basically any salad foods that farmers would be growing in heated units for those early spring crops... and the reason a lot of salad producers cut back on planting was the rapid and large increase in energy costs. The shortages should ease a bit now the weather allows them to grow without having to heat the units, but I already have my tomato plant seedlings out in their containers for (hopefully) a summer crop. I also use my small enclosed porch like a mini greenhouse, and I got a serious jump on seedlings compared to my sister who doesn't have that kind of option.

Because of those shortages, I went straight to my stock of cress seeds (one of the original microgreens) 😉, as well as other fast growing salad foods like radish, cut and come again leafy greens, spinach is ideal for salads, or let it grow a bit bigger for cooking. Mung beans are another food that is multipurpose, bean sprouts are great to eat in salads, or use in cooking. The ability to instantly harvest what I need for, say lunch, has been a massive morale booster. Plus, they're all foods that don't require a garden. A spot inside that gets good amounts of daylight will do the job.

I live in an independent assisted living area of town, and I think between me and my neighbour, we could feed our little community a fair variety of foodstuffs from our gardens if needed. We both love growing food, and while I'm a big lover of the leafy green stuff, certain root vegetables, and potato growing, he loves producing foods more along the lines of peas, beans, broccoli, courgettes, and aubergine. We even have a community kitchen that is often used for events in our part of town, and has cooked a wide variety of events. Everything from meals on wheels, to Christmas dinners for those who are alone over the Christmas period.

What I love about where I live is the whole town pulls together for times of need. In fact, in 2018 after the earlier Brexit vote became reality, our town council put together a food readiness plan in place for this very type of scenario. They've already set it in motion for Covid, and it's back in operation now. In the little sections of town like ours, we're doing our own bit to help our own community within the community. Admittedly I have most of the equipment required if there was something like a total loss of power for a sustained period of time for our group of bungalows, but again, the town council are trying to get the funds together to set up their own windmill to power the whole town if needed.

All of us in my little area of town lived through the cold war. I think that helps us shed the worry about what might happen in Ukraine. What will be, will be. We just hope to be around to help ourselves and each other if it does spill over into something larger.

Oh, and we conveniently have a saw mill in town that also sells logs for fires, so that would also come into play if needed. If it becomes long-term, again, the town plan has arrangements with managed woodlands in the area to carry on supplying fuel to the town if needed.

Plus, there's a brook at the bottom of the town for a water source if required.

Can you tell I LOVE where I live? 😉🤣

Stay safe, everyone.


Got my garden started! Gonna be part container and part regular. Bought my first pressure canner. Gonna can meat and meals fruit and veggies! That’s my new skill is canning everything!!! I also bake. Bread, cakes, cookies!!! You’re right!!! Love your Thank you for your hard work!!
