Classical Composer Reacts to War Pigs (Black Sabbath) | The Daily Doug (Episode 137)

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#BlackSabbath #WarPigs #BlackSabbathReaction #WarPigsReaction

In this episode of #TheDailyDoug, I'm reacting to War Pigs by Black Sabbath. This is their live recording from their "The End" concert in 2017. This song stands the test of time and is still as powerful and relevant today as it was 50 years ago.

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Doug, as a 45 year old dude, trying to pick his life up out of the ashes, just know that having you, daily, there to perk me up is quite a lot.

Cheers, buddy.


Geezer’s bass tone is incredible. What a beast.


I've always felt that Geezer Butler might be the most underrated musician in all of metal. Whenever anybody talks about Sabbath it's always Tony or Ozzy, maybe Dio. But Geezer is important. From his songwriting to his lyrics, and he's such an impressive player.


Butler Geezer is so underrated. His playing is quite revolutionary. Children of the sea is amazing, his fills are great.


The 1970 live version in THE BEST version of War Pigs. Young Ozzy, Tony, Geezer and Bill are fucking insane.


Doug listens to one of the most balls-to-the-wall heavy metal anthems of all time and ends with five minutes of heartfelt social commentary, and friends, I am HERE FOR IT.


All the knowledge and quality of the react itself aside, that statement at the end was on spot!
War Pigs has a very special place in my heart. My favorite memory to this song was, when i just got my drivers license, got my best friend in the car and we drove to a highway bridge a few kilometres out of town. It was already dark and we stood above the continously moving highway, listening to War Pigs through my crappy car speakers. We were probably smoking a whole pack of cigarettes in the one hour before, so our voices were pretty fucked up. We screamed out the lyrics as hard as we could, and every now and then i could see the look on my friends face in the car lights crossing underneath us. I could read his pure hate for war, from just the disgustment on his face. I had a neckache from headbanging the two days after, but it was such an experience. It was as if we screamed these 50 years old lyrics right into the faces of the "war pigs" of our time.

Keep on doing these videos, love it!


My dad grew up in New Jersey from 64 to 71 and this is one of his favourite songs, I'll have to send it to him




Every single person in the world needs to hear and understand this song.


Everybody must bow their heads in utmost humility and reverence to Black Sabbath. They are forever.


Great band, Black Sabbath! One of their singers, Ronnie James Dio, once fronted a band called Rainbow, who did a song called 'Stargazer', an epic song that tells the story of slaves forced to labor in the desert for a wizard. Doug, you must hear this, for your own good.


I was at their final gig! It was AWESOME, I was right at the front, far left of the stage. Amazing night, had to be there and be a part of history 😎🤘❤️. At the end they blew thousands of little paper ribbons with the band's logo on, out into the crowd, I kept a handful and still have them in my purse ❤
Love your reactions and descriptions of the way the music is composed, really interesting, thank you 🙂👍


I was fortunate enough to be of the right age group to hear this song on the radio when it was first released in 1970, when I was a mere 10 years old. It hit my friends and I like a ton of bricks. There is just so much awesomeness on so many different levels packed into this song!!!

You've done an incredible job summing up why this song is so amazing (and IMPORTANT!), Doug. Your articulation here is "All Killer, No Filler". I really loved in particular how you pointed out how we as a global society are in so much of a better position to communicate with each other our awareness of the poison the people in power are wielding over us compared to when this song was first released to the public over 50 years ago.

In summary, from one Doug to another...BRAVO!!!


Saw Black Sabbath live (this lineup) a few years ago. Best concert I've ever been to and Ive seen a few. The audio, mix, volume oh, and the drummer, something very special.


So glad you reacted to this .... a timeless song that unfortunately is still relevant today, Sad that us humans never seem to learn from our past !


Hey please don't forget to mention Toni iomi, he is the reason Black sabbath still exist. The only founding member to carry the banner through the decades. His riffs are iconic and influenced all of metal


Hi Doug...been seeing your reactions for some weeks now and each time I learn something new, thanks. This song is timeless and really hits the nail for the situation we're currently living here in Colombia (actually the president is frequently portrayed by cartoonists as a pig). So far there have been more than 40 dead civilians and over 400 people missing. These things have been happening in the country side for many years, but only in the last couple of weeks the people in the city have seen and felt the horror. But for the first time I get the sensation that we are not alone, that the world actually cares about what is happening here and, as Sam Cooke once said, "a change is gonna come".


Saw sabbath 3 days before this show in Dublin.
I will never forget that experience.

Great video once again.
Also a great message of peace to the world and (pardon my French) FUCK WAR!!



Not many bands can be honestly said to have invented a genre of music, and these guys invented maybe a dozen.
