Why Won't Allah Answer Me? | Why Me? | EP. 11 | Dr. Omar Suleiman | A Ramadan Series on Qadar

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Despite your desperate pleas, why does it feel like Allah isn't listening to your du'as? The answer is heavy with the wisdoms of the All-Knowing, and touches upon circumstance, intent, and the hidden ways Allah lays out paths for you that you could've never imagined. Sometimes, the ability to pour your heart out into du'a is itself a blessing, and other times, the greatest reward is in patiently waiting for the answer to your prayer. And just as du'a is a means of changing your decree, building that regular communication with God might just be what He has written for you in the first place. And what better could you ask for?

Captioning provided by Muhsen.


Kitab al-Zuhd
Qur’an, 14:39
Qur’an, 19:4
Qur’an, 2:186
Sunan at-Tirmidhi #3571
Jami’ at-Tirmidhi #2139
Hilyat al-Awliya

Al-Hikam al-Ataa’iyyah #109:

لَا تُطَالِبْ رَبَّكَ بِتَأَخُّرِ مَطْلَبِكَ، وَلَكِنْ طَالِب نَفْسَك بِتَأَخُّرِ أَدَبِك

Do not press claims against your Lord because your request has been delayed; instead, press claims against yourself for lacking in your behavior.

Narrator Dr. Omar Suleiman
Hassan Noaman Farooq
Umar the Tutor Issa Ghaleb
Friend Esmail Esmail
Friend Ali Naeem
Friend Akeaf Syed
Friend Naveed Haque
Hassan's Father Mohammed Momin Baig
Poor Man Shaheer Naqvi

Note: Only vocals were used in the making of the soundtrack.

As we venture into the space of producing higher quality media, we’ve worked hard to make sure that our compliance with our religious ethics is not sacrificed. While Yaqeen has always produced vocals for our Ramadan series, this series was unique in that it also included the story of a family in the background. Our talented production team worked with our scholars to ensure that all actors were in proper hijab, and that all gender interactions were only by Mahrams in real life. We’re grateful to the team for its wonderful effort, and grateful to the families that agreed to participate.

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"You know Allah and you do not obey him. You know the Messenger and you do not follow him. You know the Quran and you do not act according to it. You eat from the blessings of Allah and you do not thank him for it. You know paradise and you do not seek it. You know hellfire and you do not flee from it. You know the Shaytan and you do not fight him. You know death and you do not prepare for it. You bury the dead and you do not learn from it. You ignore your faults and you busy yourself with the faults of others. Do not press claims against your Lord because your request has been delayed. Instead, press claims against yourself for lacking in your behavior."

Perfectly said.


I am not a Muslim nor a practising Christian, but this video spoke to me. I am not a strong believer, I don't pray often, and neither does my family. However, I am currently on a quest for the truth, and this video has made me ponder how I perceive God. It has given me a lot to think about. Maybe this video was a sign for me..


Watching this right after making a duaa about a situation that is stressing me since many months… it seems like a sign for me, I guess I need to hear this. May Allah ease our hardships 🤲🏾🤲🏾 jazak Allahou khair


"Perhaps what you needed to learn this whole time was patience from the One who was patient with your absent voice."
Made me cry my eyes out. So well said.


I was married at 21 ended with divorce ...now am 38 with out marrige or kid pray for me to get good husband


I have not yet reverted but am doing so very soon. Please make dua. For me it took me facing many hard times to find and accept but am so happy I am now here. Please make dua for me. 🤲🏽


Who's here crying in silence in the middle of the night 🥲🤲✋


Make dua for me please. I lost my houses. My business, my children and my marriage. However, Allah I accept your decree and make dua only to you. Ameen


Without a doubt, Allah always answers my prayers. I normally go through hard times, but with constant dua, He makes everything easier than I expected. Alhamdulillah


May Allah-azzawajal accept all our act of worship and Amal ( good deeds) even though we don’t do much and it’s not even done in the righ way sometimes and we also makes mistakes in our actions, but we beg Allah for Him to accept it and forgive us for our sins and shortcomings. Ameen.


Tears in my eyes. Everytime he allows our tongue to move in prayer, know that Allah wants to give you something. Subhanallah.


3:09 assalamu alaikum everyone. Please make dua for my son. He's been sick for a year now. It's been a very testing time for us


Everyone say Alhamdulillah! We have so much to be grateful for. ALHAMDULLIAH


"every dua is either taking you somewhere or taking you away from something"


I love this series so much. It's so important. And the continuous story being told in the background ties it all together so well and helps put the lessons into context better. Thank you so much Yaqeen Institute for all the work you do.


Note to self: watch it again and again ❤


Who ever sees this make duaa for me please. Inshallah I get married to the righteous man.


I am going to write med school exam next month so my beloved brother and sister please make dua for me to do my best in exam 😍😌 Alhamdulillah 🫀


SHEIK OMAR . A GIFT FROM ALLAH TO THIS UMMAH . I CANT IMAGINE THE FELLING IF I WAS SAT INFRONT OF YOU FOR A WHILE . YOUR HUMBLENESS MELTS ME . PLEASE PRAY ALLAH makes ME humble without going through hard trails and test and makes me children's heart like yours ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


My hope has increased and ready to wait patiently for Allah to answer it my dua's
