Senior's fear of falling actually causes falls!

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Are you terrified of falling? Learn how the fear of falling actually causes falls!
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This is so true!!! That's why I'm finding videos to help me overcome This!! Having no family makes this absolutely necessary!!


I'm 80 years old. Going out my back door requires two immediate steps down (no landing). At first I didn't realize how much thought power had to be put into it to get out the door. But after two close calls and "heavens I could have fallen and broken a bone" I have learned to stop and think.... and, in my mind, locate both feet and both hands, and, again in my mind, locate the "terrain'" Then working through a process of deciding to move one foot and then moving that foot, deciding to move the next "limb, " then moving that one, always with my attention on where my four limbs are in the scheme of things. And, in line with what you say, . . . . if I was busy being terrorized I could NOT execute this process. Works good for getting in and out of the tub also. I still have close calls from stepping sideways or backwards so these actions need more awareness!


That's works with anything we have deep fears of. Fear of anything will bring it to you.


Thank you for kind and informative video. I have fallen several times and I am very fearful, especially getting up and down from a sitting position. Thankfully I was never seriously harmed in al the falls, but I have actually almost made myself forgetting how to walk normally as well as pivot, etc. So I totally concur with you.


Doug. People have too much time on their hands ✋️ and the mind runs 🏃‍♀️ way. The word is PREMONITION! Kenneth.


Gives me a heart attack.. really terrified of it.. I’m elderly and it’s just started 😮


When I get out of bed in the morning and walk towards the doorway I unintentionally veer left and wrap myself around the door frame.
Once I straighten up and go trough the doorway opening I am fine for the rest of the day.


Imbalance or brain fog causes the fear. Find out why they have
