What's New in Laravel Herd 1.11

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00:00 - 00:28 Intro
00:29 - 04:20 Forge Integration
04:21 - 06:51 Forge CLI Integration
06:52 - 12:07 Profiler
15:32 - 21:12 Dump UI Improvements
21:13 - 22:06 Reverb TLS support
22:07 - 22:38 Outro
What's New in Laravel Herd 1.11
Laravel Herd v1.7 is now out. Let's look at what's new.
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The Laravel Ecosystem - Herd
Laravel Herd just released for Windows - Easy PHP local develoment
Laravel Herd - PHP Development Environment for Mac
Laravel Herd now with a pro version and windows support is coming soon!
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08. Install Laravel Herd App on Windows - Laravel 11 Tutorial for beginners
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Starting with Laravel just got easier
Laravel Herd releases V1.5.0 with new services. No more Docker, DBNGIN, or even homebrew!
Laravel Herd Crash Course | Master The Basics In 15 Minutes !
Laravel Herd v1.2.0
One minute installation with Laravel Herd
How to Install Laravel on Windows with Laravel Herd and MySQL, phpMyAdmin for Beginners
Being productive with Laravel and PHP?
Laravel Herd | PHP Development Environment #3 - Sharing sites
MySQL with Laravel Herd on Windows (without upgrading to Pro)
New Laravel application with Herd and DBngin
Laravel Herd with mysql and phpmyadmin for windows - without herd pro
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How to install Laravel Herd and make Laravel site - 4K