5 OUTDATED Style Rules You DON'T Need to Follow

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There are some style rules that are useful and definitely help in making your style more refined BUT there are some rules that are just limiting and have no business being rules at all. Reggie breaks down 5 (maybe more) that have no place in fashion any longer. These 5 style rules are archaic and generally make no sense, so it's best to leave them behind.

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I only avoid wearing multiple brands if the pieces have prominent logos, it looks so tacky to me to have a bunch of completely different logos all over my fit. It's not about "disrespecting" the brand, more about how it just clashes visually if you've got all different logos. If the logos aren't displayed at all, or are tiny and there is a unifying motif between the pieces then I'm all for it.


Not even a minute in but I’m expecting the whole menswear rule book here. I’m looking at you, TMF and Alpha M.


I can’t break the brand synergy rule. It’s been ingrained in my mind since I was a kid!


You can ignore these rules now. Because Reggie says so.


The whole “respecting the brand” thing is ridiculous. I work in newspapers, and that would be like me getting upset that people use newspapers for art projects or wrapping fish. It’s their newspapers, they paid for it, it’s not up to me how they use it.


The thing is if you remember that it's *your money* that you spend on clothing *for yourself* it doesn't make sense to let anyone who doesn't pay for any of your bills tell you how to wear it in the name of style like they are parents of a rather young version of you. Thanks for this video.


Thank you for the first one!!! I'm in my mid-50's, but I love the colorful quirkiness of Japanese Street fashion. I believe fashion should be fun and I enjoy the smiles that I get from others who see me. As I've gotten older, comfort is a must. I do not suffer for fashion. And I've also abandoned the "Do not wear white after labor day, " rule.


Usually the people who hate on other's style got no style themselves.


there is only one style rule everyone should really follow - don't care what other people think
and you can make any fit work if you wear it with confidence
and you get hella confident when you don't care what other people think


Nothing wrong with mixing brands like adidas and Nike, but I wouldn’t do it. It just looks weird to me. Other than that, I agree with the video.


Excellent Video Reggie 🔥
Great points made all around // I agree with the whole list


I know this video is primarily geared towards men's fashion, but the whole brand synergy thing was really interesting! This is the first time I've heard of it. In lolita fashion, you're actively encouraged to mix and match pieces from different brands, to the point where I've seen people looked down on for wearing an entire outfit from one brand lol.


Completely agree about the brand synergy topic. Been wanting to wear my adi coach jackets with some nike sneakers, but my mind was always in the way of it 😂😂 going to test it out for sure.

BUT. I still can’t do nike socks with adidas sneakers or vice versa. The placements are too close to one another 😅


I feel like you talked about this in a stream or something a while back, but perhaps ironically, one thing that I've come to believe is important is creating rules for yourself. I'm not talking about big categories like "no socks and sandals." I mean really specific details. For example, I try to always have at least one black and/or white element, and one primary color in my outfit on any given day. Whether art, fashion (also art), or even sport, setting parameters helps define what it is you want to narrow down. Within those bounds, experiment with various components and eventually you'll have something that's super tight and unique to you.

Sometimes I get down on myself because I don't make my own clothes (yet). But then I remember that likely no one has ever worn the exact combination of clothes that I'm wearing, and that changes my perspective.


Hey reggie, glad you made this video. Been a follower for about a year and a half now. Ever since I got a better paying job, I decided to take steps in expanding my wardrobe figuring out my style. I'm an illustrator so that focus has always been in art, and as a person- I tried to find my style in social situations. Now I'm trying to refine my style in terms of fashion.
In terms of rules, after seeing your vids, and comparing and contrasting them with Richie Le, Jose Zuniga, Frugal, ect. I realized more and more that these rules arent hardcoded rules at all and can serve as guidelines for beginners. Just like any rules and fundamentals in art, once you understand them, you can begin to bend and break them.
And so now after a year trying to understand these rules and applying them, comes me trying to refine my style that closely resembles my identity. And it's going to be a long journey with many hurdles, but i'm excited. and at my age, I dont care what people will think, I'm just gonna try things out and see what happens. You gotta fail your way to success sometimes.
Anyways, I'll stop rambling but keep it up with the great content.


I literally bought suicoke sandals because I wanted naruto-like sandals


I been mix matching brands since 06 u just gotta know wat looks good together


I actively break all of these “rules”, and more.


The synergy rule is something I can't break. In my mind each brand represents an idea and mixing opposing ideas just doesn't go down with me


Jose is type of zuniga...

Oh, wrong channel...

*And thank God it is*
