6 ways to become wealthy today

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4. To your "actors, musicians" etc., I would add sports stars. Essentially entertainers.


If STEM engineers make 800k per year, then I’m in the wrong STEM field.


Isn’t it amazing to know everything like this guy ? He’s an EXPERT on women, dating, relationships, finance, money, cars, life, etc. He’s amazing. My hero.


Most doctors don’t have the income to become absolutely wealthy unless you make some exceptional investments outside of medicine. I’m a surgeon — it’s a good living and I live well below my means and invest aggressively but I’m not at all fantastically wealthy and neither are the vast majority of my peers. At 34 I was just starting my career $200K in debt. And let me tell you Uncle Sam sticks it to you hard when you are a high earning W2 employee— there is no way to shield that money like when you own / run a business


I have to stop and say something I've never heard around these days.
Everyone is obsessed with being the richest, the best, having millions, doing this or that or yata yata.

If you're watching this video and aspiring to be one of these guys know that:
1. It's not easy
2. But most importantly, you don't need to be one of these guys, the guy cleaning the streets, or the mailman or construction worker, they are absolutely needed by society and no job is a shitty job.
Unless you dislike it from a personal view, but just find out what you like doing and are good at it, and hopefully provides you with enough money to also have a family and be happy.

Don't get dragged in this stupid bullshit spirals that you are a failure if you don't have this or don't do that. Be what you would love to be and most importantly what keeps you happy.


7. Make videos about how to become wealthy


1. C suite position
2. Licensed professional
3 high tickets sales
4 fame with an audience
6 entrepreneurship


I love teaching, even though it has nothing to do with wealth. You can influence so many minds every year, so hopefully in the future, the community will have more ability to create wealth.


95% of architects (licensed professionals) spend their careers making a wage; that’s all.


Let’s not forget wealth in life, balance, health and abundance ❤️


I'm going to keep saying it, it's not how much you make but how much you keep that is how you become wealthy (mic drop)


Never knew trade could be so challenging!
Kept running back to these YouTube videos
to learn more about this your video is indeed hopefully thanks.


I chose number 2. Training to become an MRI technologist. It pays really well. In california you are looking at 128k starting not including all the benefits. Our pay range spans from 40-75$ an hour.


As a software engineer and business owner, i can confirm with my own experience that points 5 and 6 are legit.

- When contracting as a mid to senior software engineer, even for average companies the minimum rate is now often low 6 figs.

- Blue chip companies can and do pay more for niche expertise, so endeavours to lean rare skills are always worth it in the end.

- The 800k quoted here for software engineers, i’ve only really seen when its a miracle of cross-bred-skills… say you happen to be a software engineer who’s also got a degree in physics and you happen to study metallurgy… Companies like Raytheon, BAE, etc would pay extremely well to have you.

- I’m approaching 40, have no degree, never went to college and did not come from money, but i have spent 20 straight years in the industry… the largest increase of salaries that I’ve ever seen have happened over the last 5/10 years… now is a good time to learn and dive in for sure.

Good luck out there guys, self improvement through discipline is the way. You will get no respect, without first having self respect.


If I can make something close to 35.000 a year being a start up entrepreneur, I am a happy man.
I have hopes for the future.


He forgot the most lucrative job and that is becoming a politician 😂


Saving up right now to open up luxury vehicle painting, panel beating, wrapping shop. So excited to be my own boss


If you're not C-level, remember these are earnings on commission or contract as a separate entity, not as an employee. You will never get paid that much as a 9-5.


The stock market is the best way to become as wealthy as possible. You need to learn the skill of how trade and be mindful how you approach it as is a business as well.


I rather make 50, 000 a year with my business than working for someone else for 600, 000 a year.
